Under the dome

Date: 2/27/2018

By juliaaramini

I don’t remember much but I know a lot of shit happened. My town was put under a dome just like Stephen king’s book but it was an actual dome shape. I only vaguely remember a few scenes and I don’t remember who was in the dream. The first thing I remember is that it’s night and most of the town is outside. There’s an orange glow like somethings on fire, but I don’t see it because I’m running away from it. Everyone is running and in a panic. I’m not sure why. Beside me is a dark one story house. I don’t go inside, I just get a bad vibe from it. The second thing I remember is when me and other people (I know I know them irl but I can’t remember who they are. I think one of them is my dad, one is my sister and one is my friend Kylie but who can say) are sitting in a badly lit, tiny, slightly green, dirty kitchen. We’re squatting in this house bc we’re hiding from someone. There’s probably five other people with me sitting at a small wooden circular table. I don’t remember exactly what we’re saying, but I know we’re planning how to get out of the dome. We discovered that there’s an evil person living in that house I mentioned before that gave me a bad vibe. There’s a crack in the dome in their house, and I’m pretty sure they’re controlling the dome but I also don’t remember. They won’t let anyone leave unless they agree to “submit to them”. I don’t remember what that means but it’s pretty ominous lol. Also the person was def someone I know irl but I don’t remember who. The third scene is is actually escaping. We all go inside the bad person’s house. It’s dark in there bc they closed all of their blinds and the only light is some lamps. Everything is neutral toned. At the back of their house, in the kitchen, the walls criss cross near the floor to make large holes to the outside. I don’t know how we take care of the bad person but we tell everyone abt it from the house bc I guess we had an audience. The bad person comes back and we have nowhere to go but through the holes to the outside. Next scene: we’re all pretty worn down and I think one of us is more seriously injured. We run along the side of the dome. Outside the sun is bright in the sky and there is a giant expanse of green grass and rolling hills for as far as we can see in every direction. The town is small and in the middle of these hills. The entire town wasn’t covered. As we walk around the dome we get into the really nice neighborhood with giant ass houses and see some of them aren’t in the dome. They are spaced apart a lot and there aren’t roads or driveways between them. It’s just grass. We choose a white and purple mansion bc it looks inhabited and decide to go in for help. I don’t remember what actually happened inside the house. I know we all sat in the kitchen and ate tiny little tea cakes and I think the owner just let us chill in the house. Then I woke up. There was a lot more to the dream and I wish I could remember what happened in between, but that’s the little bits and pieces of it.