Confusion of dreams

Date: 1/4/2019

By LucyElla

I had a few dreams tonight, me Sophie (my sister), Leon (My boyfriend) and a few others were running into a sort of cave that was made to protect people and it had one main room then a few different room along a corridor there was a few problems that happened but then we all got moved to this strange stand were you would have to climb a leader to get to the seats that were all around the square room so I looked around and saw there was a space with Leon and sat with him but fell asleep when I woke up he was gone and there was a note about how something went wrong and it skipped to a flash back when I was watching Markiplier the YouTuber and he talked about how he was ill. I was then back to the room but I went to find Leon but my grandma rang me and told me Leon was not well and needed surgery so I was upset then I was in my room at my grnamdas which has a really big window looking outside onto the driveway and for some reason I knew Leon were down stairs and he messaged me asking what car my mum had and as I sent it his dad came to pick him up in the same car my mum has but Leon was okay again so I opened the window to say goodbye and a puppy ran out his car.