Date: 9/13/2023
By ailehpo
This was a nap dream. I was biking in Georgia (the country), and eventually I got to these very long roads where the asphalt was very dark black and very fresh. They went on forever, and the scenery was very different from Georgia. It was very very green and fresh, and it seemed European. Some of the places were more highway-ish, with lots of bridges and fast roads intersecting, but some were long stretches of single roads completely surrounded by trees and cliffs, like backroads. But they were all these same long, skinny black roads. No matter where I went though, there were no stores or buildings. All the signs were in a different language. It was in Latin script, and had accents (I remember these specifically: è, é), so I thought maybe it was Polish, but it didn’t have any Polish-looking letter combinations like czs, zyw, dz, or whatever, so I wasn’t sure. I also thought it might’ve been German, but again, there no “unusual” letter patterns. Whatever it was, I did not recognize it. Eventually I pulled over to the side of one of the roads. It had split off from a high way and seemed under-construction, and I stopped in the dirt patch next to it. It was soft of in a dirt pit, like someone had dug out some land to make the road, so the dirt on one side of me was tall like a cliff. I remember thinking and trying really hard to figure out where I was. I called my mom and I remember saying “I know my body is in America, but when it sleeps I wake up somewhere on these European roads.” Lol.