Date: 2/18/2019
By e6life
*This may or may not have been lucid. I honestly don’t know and would like some input from experienced lucid dreamers* I had just arrived to a restaurant with some of my family members. We were about to go inside when I realized I had forgotten something back home. Instantly, the world around me transformed into the inside of my (nonexistent dream) home. At this point, I “realized” that such an event wasn’t possible and I figured I must be dreaming. Afterwards, I tried going back to the restaurant. I thought I’d try to replicate the transfer method from before in which the world around me sort of shifted entirely, instead of me just traveling myself. It took a minor bit of effort, but I did manage to pull it off. Now, at some point, I kinda just went with the dream and lost myself. Upon waking up, I am able to look back and I don’t feel as though I was ever truly lucid. Still, for one who doesn’t believe to have been lucid, I can’t say I’m sure what it’s like.