Dream: Writer of Fae

Date: 1/2/2023

By Ecnelis_Lataf

*This dream persisted to continue each time I awoke and went back to sleep.*     I was a world proclaimed, best selling, author. My series about the Fae, true faeries, were the ones that sold the most. These Fae stories told about a forbidden love between a light fae and a dark fae and the birth of their twins who had powers of both sides.     I had only written three books that had been published and was working on the fourth. The first book was called Ever After and told the story of the parents and their love. The second book was Nytelyt (said Night-lit) which told about the birth of the twins and the prophecy placed upon them. The third was called Dark Faery and told about the journey the twins went on to find their parents only for the sister to be separated from the brother. The one I had been working on was telling what happened to the two but suddenly the lights in the room flickered and I got this eerie feeling I wasn’t alone… and I was right.     I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and a sharp claw against my throat.     “Hello Miss Harris.” a mal voice said, “I’ve come to recruit you.”     I could hear others in the room. Two, four, five others. Six total when including this guy.     “You have a strange definition of recruitment. This is more like a threat.” I stated.     I got up as he loosened his grip. I turned to face him and the others. My eyes widened in disbelief. These were the characters from my Fae books.     “This isn’t possible. You can’t be real.” I whispered as I closed my eyes. I opened them but the six members of the Dark Fae were still there.     “We’re as real as those stories you write.” A female from the group said, “How do you know those stories?”     I was dumbfounded. How on earth could my stories be real?     “They’re just stories.” I explained, “I used to dream about the stuff that appears in them and turned the dreams into stories.”     The Fae exchanged glances before the male with the claws smiled a quite mischievous smile, “You’ll be coming with us, Miss Harris.”     My mind raced and, without knowing why, I whispered, “Willow Whisp.”     The man stiffened as a blue flame burst into the room and blew him up. Suddenly there was a young woman about my age in the room with a blue fireball in each hand. “Would anyone else like to go the way he did?”     The others just vanished as I gathered my Fae books and the manuscript for the latest story and shoved them in a bag, securing them within a few clothes.     “Good, you still remember what to do.” The young woman said.     I froze. She was right. This felt familiar. As if I’d done it before.     “Who are you? What’s happening to me?” I asked her.     She smiled as the fireballs vanished, “I’m Willis. Liz for short. I’m your Willow Whisp. It’s a protective type of Fire Fae. We’re some of the more powerful Fae.”     “But Willow Whisps are only protective of treasures.” I said, not knowing where that knowledge came from.     Liz smiled wider, “Good, you remember. Alex, you are my treasure to protect. You know where the twins are and what really happened to their parents. That knowledge threatens the Fae hierarchy.”     My eyes widened again as she grabbed my hand and my bag, leading me out to a car. “Then why let me live?’     “Because the hierarchy is corrupt.” She answered as she pushed me into the backseat and then sat by me closing the door, “Step on it Ravi.” The car sped off.     I looked up front to see a young man with midnight blue hair in the driver’s seat and an older man with light brown hair in the passenger seat. I clutched my bag, once Liz gave it back to me, and rattled my brain for answers.     “I’m going insane.” I mumbled, that seeming the only logical conclusion.     “Not even close, but if that lie makes it easier then by all means.” Ravi, the driver, said. His voice was teasing as he winked at me through the rearview mirror.     “Where are we going?” I asked them quietly.     “Somewhere safe. To help you remember.” The older man said.     Time passed and we ditched the car with a friend of Liz’. After that we wound up inside a huge tree. Like, the inside was a ginormous house almost. I knew where we were. This was the first tree of the elemental Fae. (Not light or dark fae.)     “Darvaina.” I whispered, staring around the tree.     “Arkelia?” A voice asked. I whirled around to see a young man, maybe a few years older than me, staring me down.     “I’m Alex.” I told him.     “Lykanon, or Talon as of late.” The man stated, “That girl, the twin. She’s you.”     “What?” I asked in surprise. Just like that a floodgate of memories flashed before my eyes. I felt dizzy a moment but held my ground. “Where’s my brother?” Then I woke up.