Me and my friend died from a lightning strike and went to Heaven

Date: 7/17/2021

By ✨🔮DreamJournal📓

First thing I remember is being with a bunch of lawyers in a room where they had just “graduated” from law school or something and received their license in a really nice folder with their full name engraved in it. Supposedly I received one because I got a folder with my name on it and someone who was sitting behind me was my grandpa who passed away. He was laying down on the floor wearing a hospital gown I think with some tubes connected to him, and for some reason something inside of me told me it wasn’t a dream and I started to poke him and he eventually opened his eyes and I continuously said “I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you” and he looked at me all confused, but I really felt like there was a connection there because it’s not often when I’m in a dream and my gut says “it’s not a dream”. Next thing it cuts to me and one of my friends going to this place where you get a ball and you have to bounce it back and forth while keeping it in your designated square. We were under a pavilion and as we get assigned a square it starts to rain and for some reason everyone felt the rain even though we were in a covered area. Me and my friend both felt a lightning strike coming nearby and start to lay on the floor of the pavilion. I decide to stick with her because I said “if you’re gonna die I’m gonna die with you” and I guess I just didn’t wanna see her suffer and die without me so I thought it would be better if we die together so she doesn’t die alone and go off into Heaven. Next thing I know I reach my right arm out and see a white flash and get zapped/tazed for 3 seconds by lightning it didn’t hurt at all and there was no pain. After I get shocked by lightning I don’t remember too much what happened after that, but I remember having the ability to fly and I remember seeing my friend fly in the sky with a bright smile across her face. Next thing I know it cuts to me floating with white all around me with some yellow in the corner of my eye and supposedly saying “Me and Jesus were playing together we played….” (I forgot what I said about what we played) and I either said this in my head or I said it to my friend. I never met/saw Jesus or even remember being accepted into Heaven, but it just cut to me saying that. Next it cuts to me on Earth at the site where the lightning strike hit me and there were carpenters there fixing the damage. I tried calling them to see if they could hear me or see me, but it seems like I was invisible. This next part gets blurry, but someone or something told me that I was gonna get sent down to Earth and back into my body. I didn’t know what was gonna happen to my friend, but I just hoped she was gonna get sent down too. I think I start flying down to Earth and I arrive at home so excited that I could reunite with family and tell them what I saw and while they all seemed to care when I came back, but when I told them that I died along with my friend next to me because I didn’t wanna watch her suffer my mom especially thought it was a stupid decision. That’s all I remember. Next it cuts to me in a hospital parking lot and someone told me that she came back to life while the doctors were shocking her heart back into rhythm with those paddle things, and I heard as soon as she woke up she felt no pain at all. I see her from a distance getting picked up in a car and I see a black person figure floating up to the sky from the car I look to the right where my mom was standing and it looked like she saw it too, then I see another black shadow figure float up again. I’m not too sure what happened after that, but I remember being in awe and so happy that me and my friend died together, went to Heaven, and came back together all in a peaceful state of mind.