Date: 11/21/2023
By ailehpo
Okay this continues my string of dreams the past 2 weeks which feature GTA V protagonists despite the fact that I am not nor have ever been super into GTA. I played through the campaign earlier this year but that’s literally it. I haven’t touched the game in months. Idk why this started happening all of a sudden. Anyways, this is the first dream that featured Michael, I have the other two in my dreams a lot but never Michael. I guess I WAS Michael, or at least the dream was from his perspective. Michael was at the party of a little girl, it was like at an expensive cliffside house, we were outside and there was a bonfire. We were all lounging in deck chairs. Mostly adults, family and family friends of the little girl. For some reason Trevor was also invited to this party. Maybe he was a family member? I/Michael was sort of looking around nervously praying that he wouldn’t show up, because obviously he’d wreck everything. Anyways, the party went on and no sign of Trevor, so I/Michael was relieved. We were going to play some sort of game which featured getting into teams, hiding, idk, typical kid party game. As the rules were being explained to us, guess who fucking showed up. Saying dumb shit like heyyy haha you guys started without me? Went up to the kid like hey kiddo how’s it going and tousled her hair. Everyone was obviously uncomfortable at this but we sort of tried to ignore him as best we could. I don’t remember exactly what happened next, but I think the game started, and suddenly I was knocked out. I/Michael awoke a few times but didn’t know what was going on around. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and kept passing back out. I remember thinking like “oh my god Trevor is going to violate me (if he hasn’t already)” and trying really hard to wake up, but I kept passing back out. Eventually I woke up for good and found myself in a tiny dark room. I found the door and stepped out into some random house I didn’t recognize which was a sex/drug den. Mostly sex. But definitely some drugs too. There were a bunch of people there, some were in fetish gear. It was surprisingly clean and most people were at least partially clothed. I remember being surprised that Trevor could associate with such a relatively clean place. As I walked through the house, some women were trying to invite me to do stuff but I was like yeah fuck this noise. I slid past everyone and hightailed out of there because I did not want to see that fucker Trevor. I was actually a little scared. I genuinely think I just gained some insight into the character of Michael De Santa and his association with Trevor. Dude I would be fearing for my life constantly.