
Date: 8/8/2018

By BranchMan

As with all of my dreams of the past few nights, I have a group of friends over at my house. My dog is terrified of storms irl and before my friends arrived she had been shaking worse than I’ve ever seen. I gave her her anxiety medicine to calm her down. When my friends are here they keep running around the house like lunatics because my mom wasn’t home at the time. We all also went downstairs several times to eat cake. I remember being a bit mad at my girlfriend as well. Probably related to a little spat we had yesterday. When my mom gets home and notices all the friends I have over she starts to say as much stuff as she can to embarrass me and then tells me she’s gonna go to bed but she left me something I was excited to eat downstairs along with more medicine for daisy because the real storm was about to start up and it’s supposed to be bad. I look outside and see some gnarly looking clouds and am literally jumping with excitement because I love storms, when my phone vibrates several times irl and wakes me up. 😞