Silly work dream

Date: 3/8/2024

By lauriemae

For some reason I went to stop by my work way before my shift to get something. I was wearing my pajamas and bathrobe. There was a manager from another store working. The girl that was opening was having a hard time setting up the ice cream machine. So I clocked on to help. She juat disappeared in the back. I got it all set up, but couldn't find the handle. I looked everywhere. I found 2 spares, but they didn't fit. A table came in and I went to serve them. As I was getting the drink order I realized what I was wearing. So as I was making thwor drinks, I kept calling for somebody to come and take over. I couldn't work in my pajamas amd bathrobe. I finally got the girl to come back. 2 more tables had been sat and I told them somebody would be right with them. The girl was taking her time and I felt really bad doe the 2 tables basically being ignored. Also one table had a kid, and this was the bar. So I told them host she couldn't seat kids in the bar. The general manager had come in so I told her the girl needed help, the poor guy had been sitting for at least 1p monies and nobody had been by. Finally I clocked off and went to leave. A a I was going out the back door the girl came and was smoking. I told her she needed to get to that table, now wasn't the time to smoke. That's about all I remember