Date: 1/30/2019
By tb19
It begins at a campground full of my school bullies. I was setting up a tent site with some of them one being Jon turdball, my biggest bully. I have magic and must of hit an old witches grave because her spirit attacks us. I try my magic but the ancient witch is too powerful we are pinned and there’s a door next to us Turdball shouts at someone to save me. I am pulled from the site. I look and see it’s Him. We run but He disappears after a bit. Later I am running around the campground and I stumble on a separate section that is made entirely out of transparent blue glass. There’s a smaller glass box and inside He is swinging above a bottomless pit. I jump on the other swing next to Him and He refers to himself as the king and that I should put my crown on and be queen we are attacked but it’s not a huge threat and I breathe fire out and then he breathes fire out as well once again says I should be queen. I go to breathe fire again and I cannot and get a sudden sense of anxiety that He won’t want me as queen anymore. End.