Date: 11/5/2021
By Sssmorgann
In Colorado with mama and bailee? Brandon had moved there apparently. And he and mama stayed in touch. We were like white water rafting to get out of an area. Also ski boat/car combo (one side boat bottom side car) jumps/flips/ramps like spyro. Watched a Bigfoot documentary/horror movie but also i was there? They were tying to show that he was everywhere in plain sight (like slenderman) and he could sniff out children and that there were many many of them working in groups. There was a team setting traps and cameras and gathering evidence and it was all presented as a horror movie (rightfully so). He was like in cities and could just blend into a pole or tree. At one point, one straight dissolved into a pole and was invisible. Another time one just bent back a little and immediately looked like a palm tree. There there was a real set up at a cabin using kids as bait. They managed to get footage and evidence of the Bigfoot. They were swarming the cabin. There were several layers of traps erected around the cabin and the immediate area and about a mile out as well and they fled out and closes the trap to hopefully catch the bigfoot. Then later on we were in that cabin and Dr sanders was there and a little blonde girl about 4 and idk who else. It was like a party and a summer camp with bunk beds and stuff. Then we had to vacate bc the bigfoot were coming but then the little girl was still there. They let her play them a song on guitar and let her go. I hid under a bed. Mainly the big foot were trying to scare us away. Being violent but everyone was getting away. Then after escaping I was in car with Ethan and his family and we were gross kissy babies 💕