Dream: Clan Mystery

Date: 10/19/2021

By Ecnelis_Lataf

Was the "alpha" of a clan of shifters. I was a wolf-shifter but not all the shifters in my pack were wolves. Some could take other animal forms.  I was separated from my clan by reasons I couldn't remember. I was then saved by a coven of Vampires. Particularly by Jed, the eldest son in the coven. His family / coven were trying to form a united front with a pack of werewolves.  This same coven hadn't caught on that I wasn't just some human Jed had fallen for. They seemed to like me. Jed's sister, Alexi, adored me and even figured out I wasn't human long before the rest of the coven. She and Jed were the only ones who knew. It wasn't even a secret. It just never got brought up.  Then the winter months got closer. His coven was preparing for their union and the coming hibernation. Blood bags were being packed in insulated containers. Blackout curtains were being stored in duffel bags to assist on the long drive out. Sure they were fast enough running to make it there sooner, but going by car made them look like a normal family that had a particular religious reason to be gone during winter.  I had no family tying me to this town so they even let me come with them. I got to assist further by being the one who drove during daylight hours. With us not having to stop much on the trip we made it to their winter destination. A huge manor owned by the werewolves they were trying to unify with.  A huge manor that had once belonged to my pack. I learned this from walking the halls and seeing our old carvings in the walls. Which made me greatly uneasy.  "Carson, we'll need your assistance with that ward when everything is unpacked," Jed's mother, Akita, told me as she got the blackout curtains put up in one of the guest rooms.  "Of course. Though I told you before that I will need a Vampire and werewolf that you and your allies trust. Otherwise the ward will be ineffective." I hated repeating myself.  "Jed will be busy helping Alexi prepare for tonight's union. Try asking Bishop if he can spare a few moments. Reach out to Marla of the werewolves to see who they trust enough for that task." Akita told me as if ordering a servant around. Then again, that's probably how she saw anyone that wasn't her coven or the werewolves she was unifying her coven with. Though I also doubted they were any higher than servants at all in her mind.  "I'll get right to that ma'am."  I left her after that and made my way down the halls of my old home. I gently ran my fingers over the engravings carved in the walls, hoping that I could pick up some trace of what happened here. When did this become home to werewolves? Where had my pack gone? I didn't understand any of this.  I took a turn down another corridor. Followed it down to the office of Marla and the pack alpha. I hadn't gotten his name but his existence sent chills down my spine. Not the kind you get when you're in danger. The kind you get when you know something isn't right. His aura was wrong. It didn't have the same commanding presence of an alpha. Marla however... she had a commanding presence. I didn't trust that.  "Excuse me, Marla, I was told I needed to speak with your alpha about something." I felt the tension between them before she nodded and left the room.  "Vincent." The alpha stated.  "Pardon?"  "That's my name. Vincent." He told me and shut the office door, "And you're Carson. Jed's little pet."  "Not a pet. I'm his partner." I stated curtly.  He chuckled and leaned back against the desk. "So what do you need to speak to me about?"  "I've been asked to setup a ward by Madame Akita. As I explained to her, for it to be most successful, I'll need one person from each group with me at its creation. Someone trusted greatly by the werewolves--"  "Lycans." Vincent corrected.  "My apologies. Someone trusted by the Lycans and someone trusted by the Vampires. One each for accountability." I told him.  "And she told you to speak to me about it?"  I shook my head and he chuckled.  "Despite appearances, Marla is far more trustworthy than she seems. But I understand you preferring to speak to the head of the pack, just as you spoke to the coven head."  I nodded and shifted my gaze away from him, "I had another thing I needed to speak with you about."  "You want to know what happened to the previous residents."  I froze and looked at him. He held my gaze. Unwavering. I could feel it now. The dominant aura of an alpha. I nodded slowly, not taking my eyes from his.  "My pack and I came here from further north. Savage lands. We were tracking a beast that had escaped us. Something we had been trying to starve up there so it couldn't harm anyone else." He folded his arms, annoyance creased his brow, "It got down here to this manor and the icy mountains near it. We caught up to it and it was pushing through the wards that were previously around this place. Layers of skin and muscle were covered by blood but it broke through... and the guardsmen near the wards didn't stand a chance. It slaughtered them and used them as food to heal."  I felt my stomach churn.  "The one guard who had hidden well out of sight... she let us in. Let us chase the monster down to finally kill it."  Vincent looked up at the ceiling now. My gaze followed his to see a mural detailing the event.  "Her name was Astra. The guard who let us in. Her husband was one of the slaughtered. The beast had killed several of the civilians within the manor. Astra had become the temporary alpha for them, her husband was supposed to have that role but now it was hers." He shook his head, "The dead were cremated. A warrior's send-off. As well as a precaution. We couldn't chance any of them having possibly been infected."  "But where are they? The survivors I mean."  "Why do you want to know so bad, Carson?" His gaze had returned to mine. It was harsh and filled with judgment.  "That was my clan. I need to let them know I live. That I'm OK." I felt my stomach churn once more.  "You must be the missing alpha then." His tone had become cold, "Why did you abandon them? And for a coven of Vampires no less."  I shook my head, "It's not as simple as you think. I had gone to hunt for the pack. Took three others with me. We were getting food to help us through the harsh winter ahead." I held his gaze, "Something attacked us." I lifted my shirt to reveal three huge scars across my side. "I was nearly dead and many miles from home when I awoke. Madame Akita and her coven found me. Alexi and Jed took me to the coven's specific doctor in case I wasn't human. They're the only ones who seem to have caught on that I'm not." I lowered my shirt back in place.  "Then what happened to the other hunters? And who, or what, attacked you?"  I shook my head again, "I don't know. I was hoping you'd have some answers."  Vincent sighed, "I don't. Those scars look like they could have come from the same creature we were hunting. Though it could also be from one of your own."  I chewed my lower lip. That was a theory I'd been trying to avoid. "I don't remember enough of that time to give anything more clear. I was in the care of the coven doctor for a solid 2 months before I'd even really remembered what I do recall. Coming back here helped me recall more but not enough."  "The survivors are alive and well. If it helps calm your mind. I can send word to Astra later. Request she bring your clan back this way to witness the union and so they can see their Alpha survived."  "I'd appreciate that."  "There is a cabin not far from the manor. I found blood there when we went searching for you and your hunters. It may give you something to work off of." Vincent held a hand out to me, "My pack isn't your enemy. We didn't kick your clan out of the manor. You'll be able to understand more when they return tomorrow night."  I nodded and shook his hand.  "Also, go speak with Marla. She'll be the best person to help with your ward."  I left after that. I began my search for Marla and Bishop. It took some time. I kept getting sent this way or that. Either by those who were preparing the guest rooms for the coven or by those who were preparing the manor for tomorrow night's union ceremony. I eventually caught up with them and they followed me out in front of the manor.  "I will need each of you to prick your finger and place a drop or two of your blood on the sigil." I told them after carving the sigil into the ground. I pushed my magic into it to make it hold there even if the ground were to shift, the sigil would stay firmly in place.  "How do you know how to do this stuff?" Bishop asked as he pricked his finger and dropped his blood onto the sigil. He forced the wound to close up after.  "I was taught at a young age by my clan's leader. It was a rite of passage to teach each new potential leader when they are young. That way they can safeguard the clan for many years to come."  Marla dropped some of her blood on the sigil before letting the small wound heal. Bishop eyed my work, "That's an interesting tradition. I thought you were human?" "I never said I was." Marla chuckled, "She smells of wolfkin. I know you Vampires don't have as strong a nose as us lycans… but she doesn't smell human at all." I watched as the sigil pattern formed and built a hex grid ward around the manor and some of its land.  "As long as myself, or either of you, are at the ward when someone enters or exits the land around the manor… they will be unharmed. Anyone who attempts to enter without one of us to allow it… well they won't be feeling pretty for a while." I staggered a little and Bishop caught me, "We should get you inside to Jed." I shook my head, "I'll be fine. I have a cabin to go raid." Marla flicked my forehead, "You can go in the morning. You need rest. I doubt your partner would be too happy if we let you leave in your condition." I sighed and allowed them to walk me back inside. Marla returned to the office to report to Vincent. Bishop led me to the room I was sharing with Jed. He was setting up a workspace when we returned. "Carson? Are you alright?" His clear worry for me made me glad I let Bishop bring me back inside. I doubt he would have been in good shape if I had left on my own. "The ward takes a lot out of me. I'll be okay after some rest." I told him. Bishop smirked, "I need to report to Madame Akita. Get your rest kid." I just nodded. After he left, Jed came to my side. We sat on the bed and he observed. Clearly he had some idea what all had gone on today. "Did he have answers for you?" "Yes." "Do you have a lead?" I nodded. He hugged me close. His cold embrace was a comfort against the fatigue I was battling. "There's a cabin nearby. I'll have to investigate in the morning to be back in time for the union ceremony." "Take someone with you. Marla? Or maybe Katya, her daughter? Someone to keep this fatigue from happening again." I grinned and ran my fingers against his cheek, "Thank you for worrying about me." We talked for a while. I told him all I could remember and all that Vincent explained. He eventually had me get some rest. As I slept, I dreamed of the cabin. Of a voice calling out to me. It was soon after that I fully awoke.