Disgrace at weight loss convention

Date: 12/6/2019

By petal

I’m in the back of the car with my mother my Dads driving. We are going to some holiday thats a treat but my Mums fussing about what I’ve packed. It isn’t good enough apparently. She tugs an outfit I’m planning to wear when we get to the destination from over the seat from the boot and puts it on the seat between us. She says it is taking too much space in the boot. I get angry and pointedly squash and kick the clothes on the floor underneath the front seat where it gets crumpled and a bit dusty. I say something to Mum protest that I won’t have nothing to wear, as something like “well my best choices won’t meet your approval anyway.” This is a bit mean and not like I would behave towards my old Mum event if she was being that annoying. When we get to the destination to my relief I’m not with my folks but my co-workers and we are excited because we have been sent on a free well-being trip. We get free rooms and food in a pleasant if not luxurious hotel and a fun weekend of workshops on losing weight and how to look after our general health. We are all pretty chuffed that we’re not working. We seat ourselves down in a training suit chatting and laughing. The training suit isn’t particularly fancy but we don’t care because there is a free spread of nice food and the topic of training is for our own good rather than other people’s for a change. There is specialised exercise equipment in the room that we’ve not seen before and we are interested in learning how to use it. The trainers put on a training video on a large tv and we’re a bit put out by this. Why have we come to a hotel just to watch a train video that we could watch in the time after hangover at work? Anyway, we soon realised the video is all pretty esoteric and it would be hard for the trainer to explain by herself. It’s like the manifestation videos for “The Secret” but about maintaining optimal health and body weight. There are a fair few “experts” explaining carefully their best and most sincere advice that they wouldn’t on a daily nature impart. I find it useful but I can’t seem to remember all of it. I want to go back and rewatch the most meaningful bits again. After it’s finished the instructor goes round the room asking what we thought. I’m shocked that most of work friends say they didn’t get anything out of it, it was too difficult for them and they didn’t understand it. I’m looking at my colleagues in a new way. I thinking surely they are not that thick? I didn’t get it all but I understood that it could help me if I applied the advice. Then the trainer gets around to me, says my name and asked me what I thought. I say that I mostly got it and found it useful and interesting. That I would like to watch it again. I couldn’t understand why all my friends were looking at me so shocked and amused. My boss was laughing and mouthing her usual WTF face at me. I looked down at my lap and realised what was up. While id been watching a vid about weight loss, I’ve only eaten a fall plate chocolate brownies. Of about twenty, there was only one and half left. 😳