Date: 1/22/2017
By GoldenRatio
All of a sudden I appeared in the ocean coast near reddish brown land. The water was greenish and I remember someone talking but it wasn't me, kinda like I was in a documentary about nature. "And he was so close to dying but the whale did nothing." Said the voice. I remember a white whale with a kinda big forehead near my feet. I pushed off his snout with his mouth open and floated backwards towards the reddish brown cliffs. As I landed I had no shoes just barefeet and the cliffs were like stairs. I climbed up the first one and saw yellow scorpions on the ground and thought to myself I'd better be careful to not get hurt. Then out of nowhere a beautiful giant bald eagle swooshes by me with scorpions in his hand as if a meal for him. All I remember feeling and wanting to do was cheer him on like crazy! I had this overwhelming sensation of "wow!! Amazing!! Go eagle go! I believe in you and love you!!" I felt like it's cheerleader sorta speak. Then as I was walking around the cliffs I saw little bits of clear quartz crystal and I picked one up and I said "wow this is perfect" then I looked around and saw many on the ground. Then I woke up