Date: 11/26/2018
By egarza2346
We were at some sort of renaissance festival and I was with some friends from high school and we were planning to all go to a party afterwards. I remember losing one of my friends so I went out to find them. I remember going outside and there was a jousting match going on and it was the whole school from pre-k to 12. I remember walking through the crowd still looking for my friend. I then remember turning and seeing another friend and telling him that we needed to find our friend. So I make a left and I see some stairs. I go up the stairs and there’s some little rooms with beds but the rooms and the whole apartment building I guess looked like a ant hole. So we eventually go through the little rooms and couldn’t find our other friend. So when we went back inside the building, it was as if we were in Cesar’s palace. I remember my friend turning the corner and I eventually lost him again. So I see him in a gift shop and I was going through the isles and I end up finding both of my friends. I then remember seeing a black bag and when I looked back up at my friend and we made eye contact, I ended up in lasara. I was on tamezville road and I was at the end towards the dirt road. Walking towards my grandpas house in the middle of the night. I remember hearing some man talking and in the distance towards the trees that are at the end of the field, I was a lot of trucks, but there was an old grey Chevy truck that looked a lot like my cousins truck. So I remember the headlights being pink and the taillights being green and the truck had those stupid top spotlight bullshit lights on top and those were yellow. I didn’t take my eyes off of it the whole time I was walking but when I got right next to Damian’s house, it reved it’s engine and make a u turn. I remember walking more towards the grass because it was headed in my direction. The truck passed by me and I was going really fast. So I started running. And then I could hear the truck coming back and once I got onto my grandpas porch, the truck stopped near my grandpas mailbox and just stayed there. I then remember going inside and locking the doors. I then told my family that we needed to hide and that I needed a gun. So I go into my aunts room and my uncle is laying down watching TV. I went towards the corner of the room and asked him where the gun was and he told me it was behind the TV but it’s no use because we haven’t bought ammo. So then I hear something but at the same time I didn’t hear it, anyways, I ducked down behind the bed and I can hear banging on all the doors and all the windows. I remember hearing the door to the room swing open and I got up to see who it was and it was Cody and in the background was a shitload of people walking into the living room. And then I woke up feeling like I lost someone