Date: 5/24/2019
By Sssmorgann
Game of Thrones characters, but real world, married and stuff, talking about living North of Texas. Bran could stand and I asked how, like if he got a medical procedure or something. He ignored me. A friend got hit by a car accident and everyone asked bran to bring him back so he brought his soul and showed us there was no reason or way, he would be suffering. At a school with a 4 story commons, a person would regularly taunt a gay boy, then flee, and no one could ever catch him. I eventually got fed up and took matters into my own hands, chasing him/tracking him. While I was searching I had to pee but every locker room was being used as a cafeteria for some reason. I headed down a road and there was a nice old man who directed me to a gas station. After I peed I went with him for some reason, with a sister. We were at his house for a while, and something was off. There was weird unspoken rules. I had to used the bathroom again. I took too long and he came in. He started interviewing me, about my life choices, age, school experience, etc. He'd said something about meeting his very nice friend later, and the guy arrived, and one of us was sold to him as a sex slave. The first man cut her hair on the way there, because it might look too messy like she was unpure. Brienne of tarth guarded unhappily. The girl got raped and got pregnant. Then it was a weird sideshow of jellyfish and I was in the water with them, I coukd run my hands through them, they were bubbly, and a seal was trying to ear them. There were voiced over nature facts.