World War II GI in the Modern Day. Army business Jet Mountainside Airstrikes. Sherman Tanks and being chased by the Taliban... Near the Conservatory of Music...

Date: 9/30/2018

By AJacobs

So, I guess my uptake in military films got to my brain for the subconscious aside from watching movies. As per usual, I don't know the beginnings of the dream, but I was essentially a World War II American soldier. We were like fighting in modern day scenery though. I think I recall earlier moving through a forest as a group. We had green clothes, M1 Garands and the like, of course the M1 Helmet all soldiers wore. There may have been a couple of Shermans moving with us. Later we were moving up a tall hill, thousands of feet in elevation, influenced by my trip in Colorado a few months ago I guess. It stretched all across the horizon. So I guess I should classify the top as a ridgeline. Anyways I guess there are these small guns along up the hill. I think like modern automated sentry turrets. We have these planes sending (supposably) guided black missiles at them. The planes, however, are two different varying levels of confusement. There were two of this modern sporty metallic orange forward swept wing aircraft. It seems to have an abnormally wide cockpit, body, and wings when compared to the real life Russian SU-27 and definitely skinny compared to the US X-29. There was also one private type passenger plane that was outfitted with a black missile. Funny thing, I recall seeing the fancy forward swept wing sport aircraft in like a top looking up isometric view. But somehow, I can't remember seeing it actually flying and firing a missile. The white private mini airliner (like thing) may have been influenced by my looking into the Danish Defense forces and learning they have a small business jet for patrolling (a Bombadier Challenger 600 series jet), but that jet is too short to be the plane in my dream. Its missile was a very distinctive black cylinder underneath the plane's belly. I don't remember seeing any kind of attachment mechanism. They fired at various black sentry targets up the hill slope. The closest one was near a four way intersection with a traffic light. I couldn't see the sentry gun but it was supposably there. Perhaps a rock, tree, or pole was obstructing my view. I was looking down on it so I must've been on like a mini hill looking somewhat down at the slope up to the (giant) hill/mountain. It was also possible for me to just be observing the air strike unrealistically with a floating point of view. I recall watching the business jet at about my level swoop in and fire on at the target at the intersection. The first one missed. Next I think I saw the (perhaps) exact same swoop in and shot at the target. I think it hit. -------------------------------- Later, it was night and I was moving around an industrial area. I ended up being in a tank (a Sherman maybe?) being chased by three Taliban/ISIS fighters. I think I was in the commander's position sitting out of the cupola while commanding the whole tank (driving and turret control). I was driving away from the three insurgents. They were cackling madly (at their catch?). They ran faster than the tank but struggled and couldn't seem to climb it. The front two often beneath me while the third often trying to catch up. I didn't have or ran out of ammo for the hull and/or coaxial (attached to main gun) Machine Guns. I used and ran out of ammo for the cupola mounted MG. I took out a 9mm pistol and fired at them. My second or third shot definitely hit but they didn't seem to mind or notice. My magazine ran out of bullets so I chucked the pistol at them hitting one in the head. I immediately regretted it as I realized they could throw it back at me. I may then have taken out an M1 Garand or something, I'm not sure. While driving through, I see the Conservatory I study music at to my left (when facing back at the insurgents. North if placed in real life location, if it was in the middle of an industrial park). I consider making a break for it and running. I remember going through big warehouse area(s) in very dark conditions, but that may have been prior to the chase.