sea/space ship cruise turned massacre turned apocalypse from bad things in the water? and/or infecting people to kill

Date: 7/7/2022

By ooflla

(ok so i don’t remember as much bc it’s from yesterday, but here:) - i think it somewhat started with me and my random roommate on a boat arranging our room? i can’t remember who but it was me and someone and i think it was more than just that. there was definitely more to that. - we was at sea on a ship but it looked like a space ship. there were a lot of people on it. at some point though i think there was something giant in the water that was killing a ton of people. i was terrified…obvi…and i think i was able to stay out of the water by hiding on the boat either in my room or under a table i think idk. whatever was killing them was shooting them with laser beams i think. - the ship flew around in the air somehow? like it was flipping or gravity was switching and something was switching gravity im not sure. but also it could’ve been that it was flipping around in the water idk. we all were trying to grab hold of a wall. a bunch of people were falling out and when they fell they were falling out of the ship i think like they were falling into space and they were all dying. i was falling then i grabbed on to the side and stayed there somehow. i think i had siblings with me and we were trying to all stay together. i can’t remember if falling in the water was like falling in space or if the ship was just that big or if they would fall in the water to the Bad Thing, but they were gonna die if they fell. not me tho i’m the main character. also i think i had a ukulele but idk when lol. - we were in the water on floaties and someone was saying the water was fine and everyone should feel free to relax and put their legs in the water. then i saw something and someone went under so we all freaked out and went onto a small boat which was more like a big floaty and then drove it onto a bigger floaty for more protection and sped off as fast as we could. we went for miles and miles and eventually we reached a place somehow with trees i think although there wasn’t really any land and we weren’t really in a river…idk. maybe it was lily pads. someone said 11 is when the water turned bad and when the Bad Things came so we were safe now. we got back into the small floaties and reached a bridge and started to go across it but i started to realize that you would die falling in whatever was below it. it wasn’t just water below and idk if it was Bad Things or toxic water but it wasn’t good. it looked like a pit and it was red colored, not like blood, but like…pink lemonade maybe? it also kinda was the lighting that made it look red i think but idk. i saw a couple people in front of me go and the first one was still going really fast with their floaty not realizing that if they fell in they’d die and…fell in. their floaty slipped right off. the bridge was really narrow too and didn’t have any sides on it. we knew we wanted to get across though bc the other side was a path into a forest and we were obviously sick of the ocean. i watched the next person slowly walk across and make it. i was about to go next i think - i’m not sure if i switched scenes to be a different character or if i forgot how i got to the next part or if there was just a lack of dream plot continuity but at some point later we were on a bus and there were kids sitting near me. we were being taken to a safer place. i was talking to this little boy who i think was either worried or fighting or interested in my ukulele? idk but i remember him being a sweet kid. then the bus stopped for a sec at a light i think and i went to the back of the bus for some reason. then i looked up front at the kid again and his eyes started glowing red and i knew something bad had infected him and any second he was gonna start killing everyone on the bus. i was seeing it more in slow motion though as he started to do it. i got down under the seat and he started killing everyone in sight with his eyes that ig were lasers now. i had seen this happen before but i can’t remember when. it could be that i didn’t actually see it before in my dream but made it up along the way that i’d seen it happen before. anyways. idk how i escaped. i think either the kid didn’t find me, didn’t want to kill me, or i jumped out a window of the bus idk. - some time after that, if not immediately after, i was hiding around the entrance to a giant ship. there was a giant junk yard or something around it. it was maybe on another planet idk. the ground was gray and stuff but i’m not sure if it was our world looking apocalyptic. i was trying to not be seen by the people in the ship i think but idk why. unless i was hiding from the kid with laser eyes idk. also i think there was an old guy with me that might’ve been the captain on one of the ships i had been on with me there too and he had some big round goggle glasses on. he was in the junk yard or whatever it was. i think we were gonna go in the ship either for safety or…idk. i think it was the only place with alive people in sight tbh.