dna ship to save humanity

Date: 12/2/2016

By kidneypunch

it started with me in a ship directing people. after i sent them to bed and something disrupted the ship. went to the deck and seen a large abnormality that was trying to suck us in. switched to the next day where people were demanding answers. i went too show Them the abnormality. some tired to fight me and i used powers (i guess) to keep them at bay. i also told them if they kept disobeying id float them. switched to later And i was talking to someone from earth. i reported the abnormality and the commotion if you will. (he was the father of one of the disobeying people.) here i was shown as an alien and i made a chip out of the air to enhance our signal. also learned that using my abilities made me sick. later and i was walking the halls and helping people (helped one lab talk to a cat like creature to fix its injury. a sliver in the paw) i suddenly got sick and a medic tried to help me but there was no way cause i was an alien. i fixed myself and disposed if the mucus (sneezed?) into thin air. woke after that. prt 2: i ended up getting really really sick and someone wanted to throw me in jail. but i had people defend me. later I'm walking through the halls again when alarms started ringing. i ran towards the deck stopping somewhere and grabbing power nodes or whatever. once I got to the deck i opened this area and started switching them out. a guy came in and started yelling about what was happening. I paused realizing people were coming and closed and locked the doors. (here I realized that the ship was built for me. and only i could run it. something about dna.) after switching it i pulled up a screen that showed the position of the ship and we were about to run into a cliff. (i think it was supposed to be touching down on a planet cause of the abnormality the ship had found.) once it was good the guy started asking questions but it switched. i was then walking through the halls when i sensed something and went to the deck to check. I then found that six of the ship occupants had gone to the surface. i brought them back via teleport (guess I'm not all powerful lol) and sent them through decontamination. (a guy ate something and i guess it got rid of that too.) then they were in my office and I was explaining that the inhabitants dont know of us and we can't just show up or something. then i was explaining what our true mission was. (which only i knew) and that we had to find a new home because Earths core had died. (and I guess everytime i talked with the guy from Earth, it was in the past and Earth was already gone.) later i was then walking with some other people and we were suddenly practicing self defense. and this one large guy thought he could take me on but i had him tap out. then it was later and i guess i had gotten taken by the planet inhabitants (when the girl found out her Earth father was dead she gave me up to them). the girl had gone into the deck to try and leave but ship went into lock down. and the ship told them they couldn't leave without the captain because i was the ship. (the dna thing.) then the girl got a call and it was her past dad. (briefly woke up and barely remember convo. sad part tho lol) and then it was me all beaten up asking why i should help them then i woke.