Date: 4/5/2018
By taysav
Upon waking (followed by additional sleep) I remember taking a ginger tea bag from Jack (my partner asleep next to me) to which he said something along the lines of "you can have it [the teabag] but remember you have to wake up in a couple minutes". Did he actually say this? Was it him subconsciously saying this and me hearing it? Was it a literal inner voice of mine reminding myself? As I opened the tea bag packet, almost as soon as a got hold of it, almost simultaneously as I was hearing the reminder, I saw the brownish tea bag as well as a symbol - which I've interpreted as the cadeuceus- which seemed to be apart of at almost unrecognisable due to its familiarity in the context of which it really does not belong to the context of a tea bag. This may all be made up prior to the actual dream, wishfully perhaps due to my recent exploration of alchemical symbolism. Who knows. Dream on.