The Feared Man (Dream #2)

Date: 1/28/2018

By kidneypunch

The Dream began with a gan of 4 robbers; they were in this meeting to discuss the plan. They're planning to rob this ship that holds this great item. (A great hist if you will.) Later; the team is on the ship and they're planning to abandon the ship. As they jump ship; they're swimming and this female deploys a raft and they help the others in. One of the team members ends up dying when a shark eats him. They get the treasure inside the raft and apparently it's a crate that holds the item. As they're drifting along, they discuss how they're going to get to land and they say they'll just drift along. Myself - The Main guy - notice a lot of larger boats floating around but they're not supposed too be there. One of the other members says it's nothing out of the ordinary. After a couple of moments; we came along to this cave like place. There were smaller fishing boats; homes and strange people; along with grey sanded beaches. We stopped the raft and took a look around. Off to the back of the cave, there was a factory. It was enormous and I guess people feared it. I noticed a family; a father and his daughter. The father was reading while the daughter was playing with stones in the sand. I went over to the little girl and asked if I could join. I began to collect shells of all sorts, I also found a bracelet and put it on right away. I went to give the little girl the shells. She seen the bracelet and demanded that I give it back to her but I didn't. She ran to her father as i began to write a message in the sand. The girl suddenly came back and erased waht I wrote in the sand so I walked over to her father and wrote a passage in the corner of his book. As I wrote it, I said something to the father as I closed the passage off with decorations. He said something and I responded back: "This land will be your soon enough; This land was yours to begin with." or something along those lines. (Also something about Spain.) I started to leave and as I got further away, the father comes to me saying something has taken his daughter. I found out where she was and I'm on this large structrue that was made of bones and sticks. This large creature - A dragon thing; covered in armour - barges out of the sticks and talks to me. I was able to break the struture; the dragon and I fell into the waters below. I swam to the other side of the cave, whena guy in a gigantic armor suit, comes out and he's holding the girl. I yell to the Father to throw me the box; (the crate with the box.) and once I had it, I told the dragon he's not meant to be like this. I took the treasure - Which was two necklaces, and a metal patch - and put the necklaces on. I try to tell the dragon again, but he says he cannot disobey them. (Him?) I notice something on the metal patch and I suddenly chuck the metal patch at the armor suit. The Metal patch connects with him and he somehow dies. I jump off the cliffside, (I don't know how I got there.) and grab the girl. I look inside the armour suit and the chair inside was unoccupied. I woke after that.