Hiding a body

Date: 8/14/2018

By angiebobandi

My dad and I accidentally killed someone, not sure how it happened. It was more of my dads fault but I wanted to cover for him. We got home which was like this warehouse filled with junk and he left the body half out in a garbage bag on the floor. The feet were sticking out as he was eating mac n cheese watching a tv show. I was staring at the scene until I got fed up and started crying and yelling about figuring out what to do with it...whether to tell the police or dump it somewhere. I was incredibly scared to do any of the two options. He seemed really disinterested in find a solution/disposing of it. So I took control and started wrapping it up in more garbage bags and taping down the ends. I was nervous that my fingerprints were on the bag. I ended up going to work and thought about my two options. An episode of the Simpsons came on where Lisa tries to hide a body for homer. She ties rocks to the body and plans to throw it in the middle of a lake so I decided thats what I would do when I got home. I remember the Simpsons ending light hearted like the dead body woke up or something like that. I knew that wouldnt be the case for me so I fanatized about a nice ending at work for a bit. The last thing I remember of the dream was tying rocks to the body and struggling to find a boat and worrying about how I would operate it. The whole dream had this kinda impending doom like whatever decision I made wasn't going to be good.