~Lucid Dreams I Remember~

Date: 2/4/2024

By roseshavewilted05

Since I have been recalling random sporadic lucid dreams I have had between the years 2018-2023 I have decided to jot down here in this journal the ones I recall the most of I will try to explain each one well enough as each one is different. Starting off, thinking about the many I've had I am recalling a lucid dream where I believe I was a teenager in a smaller home in a more rural area it felt like it was an earlier year I was active online was into anime and cosplay the main one in this dream? Black Butler and the character from S2 Alois Trancy I was wanting to cosplay him but my father particularly was against it believe he tossed my whole cosplay and I remember being on my old iPhone outside on the porch upset venting to my friends on a call. It was sunny, clear skies, house was wooden, there were chairs on the porch a rug in front of the door and a trash can. Speaking of being a young teen again I have had several lucid dreams where I was a teen girl living an entirely different life as a someone else from a different school district attending Beattie Tech for my first year in culinary arts I remember how everything had changed so much new equipment and new way of doing things I even remember dealing with a bully someone trying to sabotage me. Have also had lucid dreams where I was someone else someone prettier, better than me in every way attending elementary, middle and high school having friends, more confidence doing activities walking through the halls on occasion on my phone. I even quite a few times have had a series of lucid dreams where I'd be a teen again attending high school again each dream was slightly different than the last. I remember walking into school either going for breakfast or heading to my first class because I was late and didn't have time for breakfast. The halls either still being filled or entirely empty for the most part. For some reason? There always is this eerie almost aura that consumes me when that happens. Even remember being someone without any learning disability no delay attending regular education classes going all over the school to get to my classes how excited I felt because I was getting to be someone else and live their life. Also, very rarely had dreams where I believe I was myself or couldn't tell if I was or wasn't but, in those I was always in a different school at the end of the day heading out to the buses always end up somehow missing mine and having to WALK home. And, I'm not talking about only having to walk a few blocks or a couple miles I had to walk all the way through the city across bridges. I also recall having a set of reoccurring dreams where somehow I was myself again and went back to high school for another school year in my special education class and I had assignments I just didn't do and I remember facing the possibility of being kicked out because of it. Remember seeing a lot of graduation themed stuff caps, gowns doing the graduation walk and being excited about it looking forward to it. Moving on from those dreams I have had SO many where I had a completely different home life and different family vividly remember one where I had three other siblings each with my mom and dad and in a small trailer like home it was nighttime just after dinner and we were getting ready to go to bed as a family and it was a school night I remember feeling we were a poor family didn't have much but were happy. Even had matching pajamas! I have even had lucid dreams where I was a child again but someone else attending a religious church like school where we had to wear uniforms or just attending an elementary school as someone else that was somewhere off in the woods a bit from this expensive looking futuristic home I was living in. Remember riding in a little bus to get to school. I even recall having a few other school related lucid dreams where my class and I went on field trips we had looked forward to either to a different state or a new spot in town remember being in a restaurant at night just getting our food, eating and heading back to our hotels as a class. Continuing on...... I have had quite a few of these dreams about my current adopted chosen family but? Where my folks have far more money where we I believe move around a bit lots more vacations living in such huge mansion like homes having parties having people over in these dreams my brain has even conjured up original popular shows and movies that would be on the tvs in these houses I remember walking passed a tv as a young preteen and seeing one. My brain has even conjured up a full Umbrella Academy season a show with Mckenna Grace in it even The Walking Dead. Remember in these dreams being excited for them. Speaking of my brain conjuring up shows and movies that don't exist it has in these dreams conjured up a graphic novel sequel to Anya's Ghost and a prequel about Emily remembering walking into a store that had phones and a book/comic book section where I found those. Would on occasion dream of going out to buy phones often my brain trying to conjure up an iPhone but doing so poorly remember struggling to get data and with the phone dying. Even remember getting on a few social media apps Instagram and Facebook being the main two and I'd see depending on the dream a personal social media account of me but as someone else entirely as always prettier and better than me in every way OR roleplay accounts I had as someone else usually actually liked and quite popular. Also remember even checking social media only to suddenly see a roleplay account gone immediately panicked as I fumble to try logging back in and usually just never being able to gain access again. I also recall having some of me and my mom heading out of the house early in the morning on a cold winter day to go to a doctor's appointment and then out shopping together. Remember us taking public transportation and heading across town. One time, I had a lucid dream where I was Tiffany Valentine on the run with Charles Lee Ray both as humans and we were hot and heavy with each other would argue and shit remember being in this small house in the bedroom with him having sex together and I was pleasing him good wound up getting pregnant next thing happening was we had to flee and had to be separated after killing more people. Me running into a field. Every one of these dreams always end abruptly with no real warning. Not too uncommon with dreams in general. They can also end abruptly if I get too excited and worked up too quickly basically I excite myself awake. So, if I realize I am having a good lucid dream if I am a favorite fictional character like Five, Hay Lin, M3GAN etc: I gotta make sure I keep my excitement levels low. Especially if I realize I am someone else living a much better happier life. Alongside the more positive happier lucid dreams I can on occasion have less positive less happier dreams they can have paranormal elements or other scary elements the paranormal elements usually centering around my haunted childhood home specifically my bedroom just being fearful and avoidant of it at night remember feeling terrified going to bed each night because my stereo would turn on all by itself like it had irl quite a few times in the morning/afternoon I remember immediately getting out of bed grabbing my phone, charger, earbuds and going downstairs just to get away from the room. I also remember having dreams of my childhood home where I'd be hanging out on the couch in the living room and I'd just glance over and up at the steps which lead upstairs only to see shadows and ghosts remember wanting to avoid having to see that area at all. Besides those kinds of dreams I have also dreamt of being moved out of my childhood home living elsewhere but still in that area have seen it completely empty and having people families in it been in it when it was empty and had people in it. Had a few dreams where my brother and I were staying over our childhood babysitters' house but it looked way different and was smaller we were waiting for our mom to get off work but she seemed to never come. Again, moving on..... Speaking of the lucid dreams where I was one of my favorite fictional characters I recall one reoccurring one where I was once again Five Hargreeves do not remember why I never actually recorded this dream here before may have forgotten to or may have been prior to downloading this app but, I can only remember bits and pieces of this particular dream there was this museum like building I was in with my siblings talking with another group about something huge and intense that was close to happening if I know that universe it was probably a big fight or battle I remember being jumped, getting knocked down then getting shot in the head right in the temple but not immediately dying or passing out think I was found after being hunted. These are the random few I was able to remember at the top of my head as of right now. When more pop up I will be sure to continue jotting them down I apologize for not recalling deeper details I am only jotting down what I can for sure remember. Ayy, just remembered a lucid dream I had that I genuinely don't believe was meant to have an eerie aura about it but I was in a high school and it was storming quite hard and I remember walking through the halls and passing by a see through tunnel that connected to a hallway on the other side where I could only assume would be one that had classrooms on either end of it with glass windows and lights down the middle and just seeing nothing but black clouded skies rain pouring thunder lightning and the trees getting violently thrashed about by the wind and I remember feeling uneasy like something was off but had no clue what. Alllllsssooo had quite a few dreams where I believe I was myself just younger and I not only saw celebrities like Aidan Gallagher, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace almost on the daily but I also knew them all based off our interactions on a personal level and we all were even close friends these were some of my favorite reoccurring lucid dreams if I'm being honest! Hmm, also recalling more reoccurring dreams where I was back in my childhood home only I wasn't me and my home had a completely different layout and was cleaner. I was a teen who fell pregnant and was hiding the positive pregnancy test in the top drawer of the dresser in my bedroom just your typical scared of the folks finding out fearing they'd be furious and would disown me dream but I am quite sure in the end somehow my parents found out and while they were disappointed they weren't mad at me and they ended up supporting my decision to keep the baby remember being more than happy with a supportive family and supportive friends and teachers. That's the end for now. Once I recall more of these lucid dreams that I have sporadically had I will come back here to start jotting those down too. This has been really fun for me I always get the best gut feeling while I am typing what I remember most vividly from those dreams and I hope if anyone stumbles across this that they enjoy how active my brain is. ------------------------------------------------------ This round of lucid dreams my lil brain has decided to have me recall has me wanting to start off with one where I am not quite sure whether or not it was a dream of me being on a paranormal tv show or one of me being on the show because my childhood home which in this case was a mansion was haunted bad enough it caught that much attention. I am also not sure if I was Mckenna Grace OR I was a look alike but, I remember there being cameras Me with my siblings walking down a hallway with wooden floors me being scared by a ghost and being comforted by my parents. I am also recalling one lucid dream where I was with my chosen family in our current house but, it had a different layout different couch, tv, set box even different room set up it would switch between us hanging out in the living room to me going to and from my bedroom. This really isn't even about lucid dreams but genuinely I wonder what will become of the world of society decades from now will we all be extinct or will we be thriving? When I eventually meet my end will I reincarnate and if Ido will I be a human again? If so what will that life be like? Better, or worse than this one? Are these lucid dreams actually future premonitions? Who knows. Moving back on to discussing lucid dreams....... I'm not too sure if this was apart of a larger dream or not but this one was another school related one except it was of me only as usual I was someone else but someone else living in my exact childhood home OR living in a home in an area my subconscious recalls and conjured up all ready for school that day waiting for my bus. Sometimes in these dreams my own bio brother along with kids I never saw in real life would also be waiting. More commonly though, I'd get caught up needing to find an essential item really quick and missing the bus because apparently even in the dream world your fellow classmates and neighbors can't be bothered to ask the driver to wait an extra few minutes. Remember having an iPhone, a cool backpack, grabbing a coat and earbuds. Though, on the rarer side of these dreams I would catch the bus successfully or already be on it early early in the morning during a time of year where it's darker out in the morning. Remember seeing streetlights and traffic lights the feel of the buses seats, the sound of it on the road and being on my phone thinking about what was ahead for me on that particular school day. Hello! Time to recall more sporadic lucid dreams I've had! -- Not too sure what caused these reoccurring dreams to occur but, it started off like a normal back in school lucid dream getting ready, heading out, waiting for my bus but? Halfway in, it did a complete 180 suddenly sirens then? Finding out the literal apocalypse had started people were getting aggressive attacking others killing and eating them recall being in school when it was announced got sent home early remember needing to evacuate for some reason heading through a big mega mall avoiding the infected. Recall this “infection” only lasting a little while unsure what made me come to that conclusion though. Perhaps it was feeling like it wasn't permanent and seeing flashes of a ruined city many lives lost but, a cure was found in time. I am now recalling another set of reoccurring lucid dreams I had perhaps as far back as 2016. I was in this large futuristic corporation building that or it just had those cool fancy neon lights but, the building was white and the lights were reddish orange think there was some blue. Don't recall what really happened in these dreams except it cutting from the building being occupied to being abandoned. I am also recalling a really odd set of reoccurring dreams I had that I know I had back in 2015-2016 someone I knew off Instagram was in it for some reason she was pregnant I THINK switched between that, her and others being detained in these outside jail cells and me being in this large I think indoor amusement park where I would see this massive rollercoaster and I remember waiting for an interview because I applied to work there. Watching the coaster while waiting. ------------------------------------------------------ I once awhile back had a reoccurring lucid dream where I was attending a school that has a similar outside side layout as my middle school only difference being me and several other students needed to dress up like performers because we were involved in this huge play like it was expected to catch media attention and everyone was so anxious remember waking nervously each morning and going to get ready. I also on occasion would have these lucid dreams where the species of alien in Invader Zim actually existed and I was Zim or Tak and was trying to fit in as a human being in disguise. Trying to avoid being spotted and stuff. Remember being on a school bus I think on a field trip. I even had one lucid dream where I was a student attending my school district way back in the 80s perhaps even earlier. Remember seeing really old kitchen equipment those classic pizzas for lunch the ice cream and brownies too. Think it was around homecoming season too. I also had a semi reoccurring lucid dream where I was Siobhan from the graphic novel Anya's Ghost attending a version of the fictional school my brain conjured up remember being this badass take no shit chick who'd just whip out a cig the second I knew the coast was clear hung around a group of bad kids being approached unsure what about. I think had another dream where I was Siobhan but, my grade was on this field trip and a few of us wandered off to a nearby playground and hung out I of course lighting up a cig to swing on the swings while I tried to keep my wrists hidden listening to music. ------------------------------------------------------ For awhile I'd say a year or two ago I began to have repetitive “lucid dreams” about my late bio mother whom passed (9/1/19) the overall atmosphere and energy in these dreams was both warming, welcoming but, eerie and sad as it felt way different than just your typical lucid dream. I knew it had to be a spiritual visit because we both were aware of it we just never mentioned it. It also at times felt as if in these visits she never passed but survived. These visits also happened at my childhood home in PA . With my mom either being in her bedroom or on the couch and, when she was on the couch she was watching TV. We would spend a bunch of time together. Going out to the mall, grabbing bites to eat and just chatting. At times even it would be the holiday season in these visits. Our home completely decorated for Christmas beautiful multicolored lights strewn around the tree, around some garland and wreaths presents under the tree these visits will forever have a special place in my heart because I know my mom was still being a mom to me even if she is no longer physically here. ------------------------------------------------------ I have also had quite a few doomsday related lucid dreams. Oddly enough, almost every one being had when I was still living in my childhood home in PA and one I'm recalling the most would be one where I along with my adopted chosen family were on I can only assume a kind of spaceship and we all could see the Earth and I immediately remember feeling this sense of impending doom and at first wondering why only until I got my answer via the entire planet exploding suddenly and everything going white. I almost remembering one where nukes suddenly went off. I have also dreamt of a tsunami hitting us suddenly and every city around water being buried underneath it. Have even had lucid dreams where a zombie apocalypse finally happened and we had to learn how to fight to survive. Just your typical doomsday dreams. I am not sure why I dream a lot about school or being other people and although I do talk down to myself here quite brutally too it's truly not because I am so miserable I don't hate myself so desperately it's just your typical wish to be someone else better than yourself currently. But, speaking of it I remember a few dreams where I'd be in school already on a mission to class and it was choir. For some reason? The classroom was in an incredibly dark eerie room in what seemed to be the literal basement I'm also remembering a few sets of lucid dreams where I believe I was attending a version of my childhood school district as another kid I think with an emotional disorder so, I was in sped classes and we were almost always coming from a class heading to art class then the next period would be one I would leave them and go to a regular class I remember feeling being unsure where the classroom was and having anxiety slowly consume me. I also recall being a student attending this upscale university with a bunch of other people I remember being in my dorm unpacking anxious for my semester. I also believe I may be starting to have lucid dreams again. Pretty soon I will be coming here to update with a brand new set of lucid dreams. I have an interesting feeling about it too. ------------------------------------------------------ It's certainly been awhile this set of lucid dreams happened during a time where I wasn't really able to fully recall what occurred in them upon waking but, what inspired it was me becoming a new big fan of Ghostbusters specifically the character Egon from what I can remember was seeing him in his full Ghostbusters getup proton pack in all it switching between third and first person aka by now you know I am HIM which is kinda funny as this preceded some odd coincidences of hearing a disembodied voice saying “Mother” and then “Egon” right after jokingly saying I must have been impregnated via immaculate conception due to my increased appetite however in these dreams nothing to ever hint this happening was present it was pretty much random flashes of the Ghostbusters the firehouse and the Ecto-1 mostly seeing Egon than any of the others I could not shake the feeling upon waking that these dreams were foretelling something and it involves Egon, Phoebe, and so many others. I also just recently had an ending lucid dream I genuinely cannot get out of my head suddenly on an overpass bridge a car swerves and crashes into the side of the bridge seeing it I believe I was myself anyway but then again I'm not too sure I may have been Phoebe? But upon seeing it I rushed over to see if anyone was hurt and needed help only to find the car had absolutely no one inside of it at all confused, I step closer only to be jumpscared by a dog that leapt up out of nowhere barking aggressively apparently that being enough to make me panic and kick the car the rest of the way down it splashing into the water below and of course naturally I thought it was over only to have that same dog reappear suddenly hovering above the water continuing to bark in that same aggressive manner it sort of behaving in a way a vengeful spirit would with each bark zooming in and out as it moves across the water. It was truly an unsettling lucid dream. Not only is it funny that my last lucid dream was about an aggressively barking teleporting dog but, it's also quite funny that I said not too long ago that I'd soon start having more lucid dreams also....a tad bit eerie. In more ways than one honestly.... The lucid dream I recently had was about me at first I thought in my bedroom currently having sex with a conventionally attractive man making out with him as he thrusts the works but suddenly? It flips he morphs into this inhuman dog creature I act like it's normal and just assume it's due to him being upset that I essentially ya'know took over and was fucking him not even realizing my bedroom changed from my current one to my old one back in PA as I ask him about it as he now an inhuman dog jumped off my bed and walked on over to the left I of course follow with my eyes annoyed we weren't having sex anymore and, again suddenly......there he is my bestie my adopted brother this inhuman poodle dog had walked over to and was continuing to approach I was saying that he was a demon and he was my boyfriend reassuring my brother he wasn't going to hurt him to which he'd quickly respond with that he already had been hurt by him and I immediately began asking this demonic poodle inhuman dog about it apparently the name for him was “Oobie”? I think? Course I got no answer this dog with this horrifying blank black hollow stare approaching my brother who looked genuinely terrified and I just was not taking it seriously for some reason and now being awake thinking about it that was an obvious demonic trick playing off my inner desire and lust that would later lead to it ending the life of my brother to recruit me into hell and I genuinely don't know how I even got tricked but hey it's possible! ----------------------------------------------------- These next slew of lucid dreams are going to be a mixture of ones I am still to this day having remembered had from quite a few years ago to the most recent ones annd, to start off I suddenly not too long ago started to remember a set of lucid dreams I had awhile back that split into parts almost every single one of my lucid dreams even regular dreams when I have those do this that from the very beginning had a strong post apocalyptic tone to it that flipped between me again either being a look alike to or Mckenna Grace herself in this school that from how it looked was an elementary school and I/she was a dancer famous essentially and was doing performances in talent shows and doing drama shows while also traversing through the building walking through the halls, the bathroom and then it'd suddenly shift to me/her with others and a baby in a sedan driving down barren abandoned streets in empty neighborhoods and the overall consensus was that some kind of virus had broken out and caused a form of zombie apocalypse. Remember on occasion finding abandoned houses to seek shelter in, finding basic necessities especially for the baby the works it also even flashed back I believe to a time before the apocalypse the entire time feeling this massive sense of uncertainty, impending doom, fear and paranoia. It's definitely been quite awhile since I've added any sort of update sadly, while I have been having more lucid/vivid dreams lately upon waking I don't always recall enough of it to jot down here but, I am slowly piecing together some of them and soon I might be able to toss those in. Speaking of adding more here for this dream it's one I believe I had quite a few years ago but, not TOO long ago. All I can really recall from this particular dream was me, except you should know the drill by now I was not myself in my current life but; another girl. Who for some reason one I never figured out due to not having the dream again and it not being a reoccurring one was with a whole bunch of other kids around my age in this massively large shipping container like laboratory building that was ALL white with blinding bright white lights and we all had to wear white hospital gowns and we were in one massive line to get assigned a bed/pod. I also very recently had a vivid/lucid dream about one of my favorite celebrities except in this one? I didn't just run into them on the street, briefly chat and go on about our days oh no, this celebrity was none other than Mckenna Grace and she was sitting right next to me to my left and we were having a casual friendly conversation together although, I wasn't entirely sure if I was actually ME in this dream or if I was someone else but, there were certain hints made by her to me ( nothing horrifically inappropriate just a hint at having a crush is all ) I've had flirtatious dreams even sex dreams before but the flirting ones only involved Aidan with me being a different person and his age of course! And, the sex dreams usually involved random fully grown fictional men one prominent one I do remember was one where I was quite literally in the Pirates of the Caribbean universe as some woman on the Black Pearl in the Captain's cabin riding the shit out of Jack Sparrow. I definitely recall not actually feeling anything but trying to. This most likely stemming from me irl not being the biggest fan of sex not desiring it and when I do it's rare plus just hating the idea of being that close to anyone irl too. Suppose my subconscious still wants me to be having it or something who knows. That's all I can recall for the time being. Whenever I finally start to recall the other lucid/vivid dreams I will definitely be coming here immediately to jot them down! ------------------------------------------------------ I haven't been having many lucid/vivid dreams as of late and those I have had I seem to immediately forget upon waking up but, I have still been recalling past dreams I had. And, one I've been having would be the few I had a couple years back it was another where I was semi sure I wasn't myself in it but, I was in a familiar looking neighborhood riding a bike usually alone but in some I was with a group of other kids I assume who were my friends and in either I distinctly remember feeling uneasy especially in the ones where I was alone even more so in the one where it transferred into the dream and made me physically in it find somewhere and park my bike to actually look around as I felt I was being watched. Another few I remember were ones where I was sure I wasn't myself but another teen girl who for once I felt was only conventionally attractive and I lived in a very rich upscale looking neighborhood and went to an upscale school and all my friends were rich but I was interested in a guy who was only middle class only because all our parents taught us to see everyone as equal and our wealth did not make us any better than anyone else we didn't think poorly of those who were less fortunate only issue? His parents. They either didn't like me or didn't trust me and the dream mainly consisted of me fighting to be with him whole navigating high school and life. As usual I have been having more lucid/vivid dreams but, am only able to recall bits and pieces of each and suddenly began to recall a slew of dreams I had awhile back and here I am to share them. As usual the setting is school. Shifting between elementary and middle school I believe. Usually being myself or as usual another girl and it was some kind of big fun event day at the school and the whole school would be called to the football field and bleachers and every kid was wearing a matching shirt the girls all had their hair up with these red sparkly hair bands and in some of these dreams if our school had a swimming pool we'd have that available to us too. I even recall in one dream where I know I was still in high school but, was still gearing up to take a shower during a free period as if it in this world that was the norm. I remember anxiety feeling me up as did my pre shower routine of picking out clean clothes and grabbing my shower essentials remember feeling it only grow as I drew near the shower rooms knowing other girls use them too and there for some reason was minimal privacy but, I knew it was fine that if another girl was in there she was probably far in and I'd be fine I'd just find a good spot to shower in even farther away from her because we all wanted privacy. I also remember occasionally having these dreams where I believe I was somebody else attending college in this upscale city that honestly looked to me like a futuristic version of New York I remember struggling to find my dorm room getting a card, trying to find the elevators while trying to remember my room number and then trying to remember the floor number I even remember on the rare occasion I would step into the elevator and suddenly out of nowhere it would fail and crash and I'd lose my life when that happens I'm deeply disturbed. These vivid/lucid dreams I had occurred while spending two nights in a hotel room for the band Sum 41's final concert and a specific fact about both is just....unsettling so, from what I can recall I was in this house that seemed to be abandoned and one me and a few others were holding out in. Turns out someone was asking about the bathtub as it was filled with cold water and I suggested I shit you not it could've been Raven from Teen Titans because I knew she enjoyed baths and lone behold upon going to ask I see on the bed in a room none other than Raven herself with those two red demonic eyes signaling her deep anger and yet, despite that she still shook her head no to say it wasn't her who filled the bath it was like we had an established friendship not only that what I said? Was completely conscious it was like it was real life and I was just talking to friends. Now, unfortunately here comes the other half that more so borders on the lines of a nightmare than anything else but, my best friend and in real life brother were on a plane just casually flying through the sky and I go to look out the window and suddenly out of nowhere nukes start falling everywhere and the pilot like a car just floors the plane and now we're zooming through the sky as bombs fall all around us and I say? “Bestie, if we die I love you.” Yeeeah. Needless to say both dreams got me all kinds of messed up.