
Date: 12/6/2017

By toxxicduck

I had a nightmare about the ghosts of children and Slenderman. I was in the mountains and went inside various rundown ramshackle buildings. Inside it was always children being scary and outside it was always Slenderman. They would usually appear after hearing something like footsteps and I and the random people I was sometimes with would look around because we knew any second a ghost would show up. Whenever they did I had to close my eyes and face away from them, usually curling up in a ball, because the ghosts and Slenderman couldn’t kill me if I wasn’t looking at them. Normally Slenderman won’t move if you stare at him but the rules changed to more Blair Witch Project type stuff. The ghost girl would contort and come at us and Slenderman always just appeared out of nowhere but I would hide my face from them and feel them get close. Slenderman would laugh and disappear but the little kids would break or destroy something before disappearing. One part outside, I saw Slenderman off in a field. He was wearing sunglasses and put a finger where his mouth would be in a “shush” gesture, then he just started running at us. It was terrifying! I slowly figured out that the people who caused all this were just trying to write a scary story but now the little girl is cursed to always haunt and scare people. Oh, there was also another part where Slenderman showed up. I curled in a ball like normal to hide my view of him and through my knees I glimpsed his feet as he walked up. He had Mickey Mouse feet and they began turning around like a videogame person. I snuck out from under his view and stood up. Slenderman was just walking into a wall, glitching out or something. So I snuck up on HIM and tried to go “boo!” For an instant he turned into a little boy with a shocked expression, but he turned back to normal and the “game ended” as usual with the staticky craziness and getting nabbed by Slenderman.