The apocalypse

Date: 2/1/2020

By potato_ninja5769

I was in another zombie apocalypse, with jack and my parents. We had to go through this wild obstacle course to get to a tower which was sorta like a checkpoint..if you made it past the tower you got to go to a place with infinite protection. But if you didnt make it past the tower by 8 pm when it got dark you were stuck. The tower had a balcony and it was a big room with huge windows that had tables in it and some other random objects. Well jack made it out the tower but left me and mom and dad behind. So we were stuck with these people who were either unathletic or older. (50s or so, in that age group or unhealthy obese people) and so 8 pm hit and night fell and everyone was crying except me and my parents. We were strategizing with each other. So finally we took control and told everyone to use the tables to board up the low windows and grab whatever you can to fight back. And they listened. We all stood together as zombies, children to be more specific, stood outside the tower looking for a way in they were on the balcony that surrounded our little room thing. And so I made the first move like a badass and grabbed a pool cue and smacked the fuck out of one who found their way in. I killed him..then I realized if I pulled the top half and bottom half apart it would expose the screw keeping them together. So I did that and started to stab the zombie. From there everyone gained confidence seeing a 19 year old (I was older for some reason in the dream??) Kick the ever loving shit out of zombies but as they fought they started to get turned because they werent fast. So me and my parents are fighting who used to be allies then we realized we couldnt stay in the tower so we went to the balcony and I saw a plane sitting back there behind us. Turns out we were on a chunk of an old airfield. So we started to head that way we climbed down the tower and ran for it. I was then only one that could fly it for some reason. It was a small little Island hopper plane. And I got in the seat to fly but the runway wasnt a runway it was a highway packed with cars of people trying to get out. So I got on and started speeding up with the cars till I reached this hill that was huge like san Francisco huge. And I hung back then stepped on it (yes the plane had pedals like a car for whatever reason) and I took off at the top of the hill we were flying so I turned around and we did a couple flips in the air before I realized how to stabilize the plane. And we flew over the safe haven I didnt stop to pick you up because Jack left us. We were flying for an couple hundred miles before the plane ran out of gas (funny enough in real life my phone alarm was going off and in my dream it became the plane alarm which is why it ran out of fuel) so I had to make an emergency landing into some trees to save my parents. But we found a shack in the woods and grabbed all the guns that were in there. It was mostly rifles but mom got a pistol because she doesnt like to shoot big guns. And we started to defend our territory but we met these two zombies who were immune to the virus. It ruined their skin so they looked like zombies but they had a human appetite and human personality and intelligence. So we kept them there with them and armed them. We all became really good friends with them, it wasnt till days later that Jack found us and I almost shot him because I was furious with him..also I had moved on at this point never expecting to see you again. (Yes I did fall for one of the zombie men because why not they didnt have exposed flesh or gray skin they looked human with some scars) and we started fighting, but physically. I had gotten better at fighting obviously but he still pinned me down then started to tell me something along the lines of ,why he left us but I woke up and never got to know what he said.