Date: 12/22/2024
By Ether_Erebus
I don’t remember the entirety of it, but the little portion that I do remember, I was in a small pool thing in a room that had dolphins in it. But the weird thing about the dolphins was that I could understand exactly what they were saying and then I learnt that one of them was in distress. So, from the corner of the room I helped pull them out from where they were and saved them basically. And then, the dolphin who I was speaking to realized that I was still in the back since I didn’t want to swim (idk how to in real life) and he was so erratic and saying “just come and jump on my back, I’ll help you; just come; just come” and I took a leap of faith and the dolphin brought me to the other side. And then the scene changed and the dolphins somehow turned into people. They were two guys around my age and were being set up with two girls. I was just in the side of the bar watching them be set up and making sure everything was going okay. The bar was a very opulent looking one where people were wearing business casual clothing. Once I saw that it was good and they were okay, I decided to leave and go home. It’s around evening time in the autumn and it’s just before the sun dipped fully, so the scene was blue. As I turned the corner of the bar/lounge area, I started walking down a hall and went down in an elevator. The second I made it outside, it was chilly and I walked towards my building. In this dream I lived in an apartment building in the city so it basically looked like New York City scape. I get to my building and walk along this hallway and the entire outside wall is glass. It’s floor to ceiling glass and I look outdoors and see someone I know in the building across the street and to the right. I somehow leave my building and go to that one and see my sister. She welcomes me in to her home which is an apartment but instead of a single one like mine, she has a penthouse suite looking house, and she’s telling me about the kids’ days. I see Hera as I walk down the hallway, the rooms are large and the doors are shut because it’s night time and they’re going to bed. And then my sister asks me if I want to meet their horse, I say sure. We walk into this room and the outside is pitch dark, and a hand comes out of the window and hands me this plastic piece and I just hold it. And then, somehow I’m looking to the bottom right of the windowsill and I still can’t see what’s going on outside because it’s pitch black and I see the nose of a horse come into the windowsill. I started petting the horse and talking to them, and somehow the outside world changed from pitch black to blue hue and I saw the horse standing there and a dude holding the horse’s reins. I looked at the man and said thank you and he said no problem and we had a small chit chat and then he left. I looked down and realized the apartment building was now a house and a ranch. At some point I also saw Mere and Ishmeet walking out from a Costco, and I told them “hey! Love you” and just kept walking into the store while they walked out. That’s so weird because I would never say that to them lmao. They looked like they’d been caught doing something that they weren’t supposed to be doing or just not expecting to see me. It was funny😂