Grandma again

Date: 7/12/2019

By Keke

Sorry this is really long. I was at home and I was eating rice and fish (yum) on one of the yellow plates with just a fork whilst thinking of a better was to get to college I can't really remember what I came up with. It seems like it happened suddenly but I may have walked there, but never the less I was in a car park and there was a lorry idk who's. Then I went to banger I think (it's a shop, my dad's friends with the owner) with hardly any money idk why maybe I'm dumb maybe it's maybelline. Anyway, so I was looking around when I see this mother with a crying child who didn't want to have her hair washed with nit shampoo. But the mother couldn't find it sooo being the hero I am I told her my dad found one in poundland so she thanked me and went back to shopping. (she probably thought the fuck is this girl talking to me for but I digress) After that she left with her daughter to pound land u presumed and I stayed at banger for a while. I had the urge to follow her but I thought that would look a little creepy stalker so I waited a while then left for poundland. (relax I just wanted to see if see go the product in not crazy...) When I got there I was almost closing time and the staff where stacking shopping baskets onto each other. I jumped over on of them successfully (idk how cuz I'm 4f 11 lol) then went to find the woman like her Knight in shining armour, when I found her her daughter was really crying bloody murder this time. I asked if she found the shampoo. She look a little weirded out (cuz I kinda followed her and all and that's fuckin weird man) but she said "yeah thanks" I made sure to tell her I just wanted to make sure it was the right one cuz my dad didn't reply. Then when I was leaving I put down a basket and tried to leave my plate of food saying its not my plate or something which confused me (idk why u still have thus food or why its just showing up) but anyway. The workers were like nah mate take that home and two of the male workers offered to walk me idk if they asked or just followed me but it didn't matter as we walked from what looked like the train bridge from the church round the corner and up the hill. The men then asked for some food so I was like sure take the whole thing I don't want it guys and they didn't want to for some reason so we kept going. We finally got to my house and I swear it was like night time or 4 o'clock winter cuz it was dark before yet as soon as we got to my house and it went bright like the sun was just snoozin for a few minutes. My grandma came out with a box loading stuff onto a lorry. She said "good morning" in the most 90s sitcom way and I just stood there as the boys enthusiastically said hi. I looked confused cuz I guess she had passed in this reality as well (I've had reoccurring dreams where she was still alive and it was "normal"). All I remember thinking was what was this. I seemed to have done this before so I swished my hand through her to see if it was a hologram but I hit something and was so overwhelmingly shook. But then I saw the like robot thing with multiple of her being made and I knew I wasn't her and started crying. When I woke up I was still crying.