Multiple Dreams

Date: 10/18/2018

By angiebobandi

Multiple dreams from the past couple nights. I was friends with this guy and we were on a bus with no passengers. He got really upset at something and his head exploded off his body yet still attached by a long 6 foot bloody intestine looking thing. Like an imbilcle cord for your head. It started thrashing around violently and smashing all the windows in the bus. I kept trying to calm him down. It was an odd temper tantrum. The night after I had a dream I was in Serbia looking for wedding dresses. I was also growing rows of trees in my house. I was at a store and I opened up a wardrobe that had these see through floral patterned flowy dress. It has to be worn with a solid thin dress underneath. I liked the red one which is an usual color for a wedding dress and funny because I had my period that morning. I kept trying to put on the dress and be ready to reveal it to my friends but everything felt slow motion like I'd never fully be ready. Then I woke up.