On a ship

Date: 12/25/2021

By votaco

The dream starts out with a recruitment in my college class. It begins with a test to see if you’re qualified to get on this large ship. I take the test and get qualified with a friend next to me. We’re told that we passed and have an option to get on the ship and get off it. I agree first and then my friend agrees. We follow a man to a port outside of the school. We enter the ship and sit down. The seats are laid out in twos and there are 3 columns of twos. We sit in the left most seat at an open window. The windows look like those on a school bus. After multiple people are seat this lady that is strict looking with white hair in an updo and glasses comes in. She starts to say that we will undergo grueling testing and training that will weed us all out and some of the tests we will not notice. The ship begins to move and for some reason it sinks a bit and I move to close my open window scared that the ship is actually a submarine. Turns out it isn’t. During the ride we overhear other people talk. Then all of a sudden the ship rocks snd water spills into the open windows. Afterwards the strict lady comes back and removes all of the students that got sprayed with water and then she returns again to line us up and give us a tour of the rest of the boat. We’re told our rankings and somehow I’m at the top so all of the other people start to stare at me. We’re showed the large part of the ship that we’re currently only given access too. It looks like a concourse in an airport with restaurants on the sides. Then she shows us the exit to the next part of our testing that we have not gained access to yet. We are then given cards that have our credits snd a personal room and shared fridge. I walk around with my friend but then the scene cuts to me and my friend finding a brown haired girl at the exit saying goodbye to her friend bc she’s gained access to the next level. She tells us that she’s pitched a viable research project to the strict lady and has gained access to the exit. Then she’s goes on to talk about her back story about getting pregnant at 15 and how she had nothing left he she doesn’t move up. Her friend who is blonde and a bit shorter than her then turns to me and says that I’m innocent snd that I shouldn’t trust my friend or her and that their intentions can hurt me. I return snd then I find out that the restaurants are starting to run out of food. My friend bought the last sandwich at one restaurant snd offers it to me but I want to be alone so I leave him to eat his sandwich as I walk back to the dorms to grab a yogurt from the shared fridge. I don’t see it in there snd when I close it I find another student eAting my yogurt. I sigh and walk to my room ti think of a research or invention but don’t find anything viable. But then I realize that the goal of the test wasn’t to find a research project or invention but to figure out what your goal in joining the ship really is. I think that I always go with the flow so I have to find what I’m passionate about and how I’m going to achieve that on the ship. Then I wake up when I realize but I miss what the answer was…