The Nowhere Festival

Date: 8/5/2019

By leOneironaut

The place looked like a residential park in the middle of a industrial dock. There was two supercars in the parking lot. On the deck of a cargo ship some kids were arguing about how deep the water is. One of the kids jumped in the water and I had his visions, dark blue and deep waters, endless and cold. He died. Went inside the apartments, it was filled with maniacs of all types and prostitutes rubbing decapitated heads against their genitalia. There was a photo wall in the main corridor, among the pictures I could see one of myself sleeping. I left the indoors. Outside, the place was suddenly crowded, a festival was going on, the residents were friendly and would just offer me wine and tell me to enjoy. Everyone had masks on and most ladies had long floral dresses. I was feeling confident enough to talk to this lady with a skin as white as snow. She had a boyfriend and in no time we were fighting for her. While punching each other in the mud he pulled out a revolver, I told him to shoot me so everyone would know how coward he is. He didn't think twice. However, none of the six bullets could hit me. After ruining the party I decided to leave. On my way home I saw this destroyed house, someone told me a girl was exorcised there. I could hear a voice calling my name from the inside.