another lucid dream with magic

Date: 9/16/2017

By Tjika

I was in my house with my parents and two brothers. I discovered I could fly for some reason and was really happy about it, because I dream that I can fly all the time, but now I could do it for real! A few seconds later I realised that it was probably just another dream again. At first I was sort of dissapointed, but then I remembered there was still so much I wanted to try out and I we t outside to do so. the first thing I did was trying to create a door to another world. The door did appear, but I didn't manage to make it big enough and it didn't go anywhere either, there was just a wooden wall behind it. I gave up on the door thing and decided to practice my skills in the elements instead. I first tried water and that went well, I could easily control it. I tried fore next. I knew fire would be tricky, since last time I tried it in a dream I burned my hands. I tried it and although it did work this time (in my previous dream I couldn't even make the fire appear), but I did burn my hands. Then it wouldn't go out and I panicked a little, since my ice magic did not work (in the dream where I previously used fire I extinguished it with ice magic). I realised I could also use water though so it was fine. When the fire was out I also managed to use ice magic and cooled down my burned hands. Then I used it on the streets and everything turned into a winter landscape. A woman came up to me asking if I had done this and that it was really awesome. I was also able to use purple electricity which turned into fire once it hit something. I went back into the direction of my house when I saw a monster in the garden of one of my neighbours. I made a gesture of drawing an arrow from my back and suddenly I was holding a magic bow in my hand and a purple magic arrow. I shot the monster with this, but it didn't look hurt by it at all. I suddenly had water balloons next to me for some reason and froze them. Then I threw them at the monster. This did not impress the monster either. I proceded to hit him with the frozen water balloons, but all he did was laugh. At this point the monster had turned into a chubby man by the way. Apparently he was actually a friend. We laughed about my futile attempts to defeat him and sat down to look at the setting sun together. I knew who he was in the dream and for some reason thanked him a lot. I think I thanked him for letting me have awesome dreams or something. When I woke up I didn't remember who the guy was or why I had been so thankful to him.