always lock the doors

Date: 5/5/2020

By kanye.not

I've been having nightmares literally every night, so I guess I'll start writing them down. I don't remember much from last night. mom and I were in a cabin that had a lot of doors (I've dreamt about this cabin before) and we were making sure they were locked before we went to sleep. oddly, the doors had to be locked with a key (from the inside ¿). when she checked if one of the doors were locked, she accidentally unlocked it and removed the key. then a serial killer starts walking up all slow like in a horror movie and she's fumbling to get the key in. I run over there to do it and I think she ended up outside somehow so I'm yelling at her to come back inside. she throws the other end of a thick wire to me and the serial killer walks into it and we twist it around their neck and kill them. (at least, I think they died)