first night of college disaster

Date: 8/12/2022

By kkthedreamer

it was my first night of college and everyone was tailgating in these big fields— it kinda reminded me of how lollapalooza looked. i don’t think we were actually tailgating for anything, but instead just getting wasted outside. i went with my roommate and i don’t remember if there was anyone else. but i remember we sat in this pickup truck and i took one shot of vodka and fell asleep in the drivers seat. when i woke up, it was like 3 hours later and my roommate was gone. so was my phone. i immediately started panicking— i didn’t know if my roommate was safe somewhere and i figured someone must’ve snatched my phone out of the open windows, but now i had no way to find her. then these crazy hispanic dudes came running up to the truck, shoved me out and took over it. i watched them drive away and crash into a wall. i started crying and hyperventilating and i just walked around aimlessly. then someone came up to me and asked me what was wrong, and i started answering but then they told me i should be more concerned about katie, who was passed out not too far from where i was in the truck. i’m not sure why katie was there because she’s not even going to my school and she would’ve been hanging out with me. but sure enough, i found her in the grass passed out in a group of random girls. she had a pitcher of what looked like her own vomit next to her, and then there was a big plastic bin that the other girls were throwing up into. one of them threw up a little on my shoe and i left disgusted and crying even more. as i walked around the fields, i witnessed many more shitfaced drunks. i just wanted to go to my dorm, but i had no idea how to get there. as i walked on this path to this more forested area, i felt a hand on my shoulder and it was aditya. i was shocked. he was tall and cute in person. he simply said “hey” and i started ranting about my terrible night to him. he expressed some sympathy, but then he ran off to go back to his friends instead of helping me. then i randomly found my phone on this stone ledge and i called carol. she picked up but she was talking to someone else and wasnt responding to me. i hung up and then decided to go try to find my dorm myself. i walked out of the fields area, where there was this formal archway exit and staff sitting at this table. they looked like teachers so i’m not sure why they were promoting all this. but i asked one of them where my dorm was and she said “oh they changed the name to (some long name i forgot)” and i was like “oh ok” as if that helped me at all. so i started walking on the campus sidewalks, where i encountered more drunk people. some guy kept harassing me with his slurred speech and i had to yell “STOP IT” and then one of his friends told him to back off. i finally reached what i thought was my dorm— it was this big, very lit up building with floor-to-ceiling glass windows. inside, it was fancy, it looked like a museum with its white marble floors and golden walls. i went up this winding staircase and entered this dorm that was directly on the landing, which was basically a small glass box with two beds inside. for some reason i assumed it was my dorm and i laid in one of the beds. but when i looked at the posters the other person had put up next to their bed, i realized it definitely wasn’t carol’s. a girl walked in just then and i apologized for being in the wrong room. then i left and asked another staff member for help. i don’t remember what she said but after that i ended up finding my actual dorm. it was a much crappier building, like a musty motel. i don’t remember if i ever ended up finding carol, but i do remember looking at peoples snapchat stories and being jealous that everyone seemed to be having a good time except me.