Date: 5/9/2018
By AngelicSword
I can't remember bits and pieces of this dream, although I think this is most of it. I was at a town. Probably near the center. The streets were bustling and there were many shops along the street. I think I met up sometime with some friends of mine. We got some sort of tracker and it showed a dot running on the long straight stretch of road shown above. I suddenly had a third person view of the entire town center (once again, shown above). I saw all the people, and shops, the layout of the roads, and I saw this guy running down the street. He went back and forth like this for awhile and we just sat there wondering what he was doing. -------- -------- I had a baseball bat in my hands and was practicing swinging it (I've never played baseball before). I was in this spaceship somewhere, in a room designed specifically for practicing baseball. The room had a dirt floor, a ring of slim poles in the center of the room forming a circle stretching up into the ceiling, and they had black netting strung between all of them. The circle of poles had 2 circles drawn on the ground with chalk. 1 was maybe 4 feet away, and the 2nd was maybe 10 feet away. There were several other kids practicing as well. From what I gathered, apparently they were practicing for a competitive tournament or something, and I was just practicing for old times sake, or for the fun of it. Either way, that resulted in me getting last opportunities at everything since i didn't need the training as much. We just kept swinging our bats for awhile. ------ ------ I was on this spaceship, what I assume to be some sort of transport ship. Lots of seats and people on board. Anyways, I see this little girl and woman standing together in front of me, both looking at me. The little girl got out a snack or candy, unwrapped it, and ate it. It looked like a really thick strawberry twizzler but long and perfectly cylindrical. The woman has disappeared by this point. I bent down to her level and whispered in her ear, "You know you're not supposed to have food on the ship." She smiled and replied, "Don't ask, don't tell. Right?" I nodded and grinned back, "Just make sure no one sees you with it. Throw it away as soon as you can." As I was walking away i though to myself and grimaced, "Why would I even begin to talk about something that loudly?!" ------It was never specifically stated in the dream but I assume the punishment for food was really harsh if I was acting that way about it------- ------- ------- I was in a third person view, looking at these humanoid aliens in a small spaceship, I could see the stars whizzing by through the glass. They were talking about how they shouldn't let someone have so much power because they could already control the waves. Apparently they arrive at their destination, a giant space station like something out of the War Hammer 40k lore. It was brilliant. View switches to inside a room in the space station, they are having a meeting. One of them steps foward and looks like a much younger, taller version of Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy. He orders a humanoid creature that looks like its made of ice to step aside, and it stands over by the wall with one arm placed behind this back horizontal with his waist. He looks sorta like Cocyltus from the anime Overlord. ------ ------ I remembered much more than I thought I would. Hoorah!