Garden, graduation, adoption, and kidnapping

Date: 6/6/2020

By juliaaramini

In this dream I’m in an extremely wealthy family and my twin sister is Blair Waldorf from gossip girl. It starts out with me and Blair in a super old garden. The garden is a square. On the south face of the square is the entrance. The entrance is a stone arch with beautiful white rose vines growing all over it. When you walk in you are greeted with a small statue of a lion head. The rest of the garden is filled with statues of beautiful women. As you travel through the garden, they get bigger and bigger until you get to the back of the garden and you see what’s known as the titan. It’s a huge statue of a woman laying down and sleeping. The garden is said to be built by a man who was kidnapped by fairies who was inspired by them and the big one is supposed to be his fairy lover. That’s just a legend though. Blair and I were in the garden because our high school graduation was being held there the next day. We were just looking around and talking about it. When we got home, our parents told us they were finally going to adopt a child in need. They’d been talking about it for a long time and they were finally going to do it. Blair and I were beyond excited to have a new baby sibling. We all went to the adoption place. My parents didn’t want to start with a baby again so they were going to get a young child, since they have trouble getting homes anyways. But then we found a set of triplets. They were all girls. They were about 5 years old, with blonde long hair, and had a lot of freckles on their faces. They had been found wandering the streets together and refused to speak. The adoption place ran a dna test (in my dream this would have worked Ik it doesn’t irl) and found no identity for them. The agency’s guess was that they had maybe been raised in captivity and somehow escaped, and been through a lot of trauma. My parents decided to take them on, and Blair and I were so excited to have three little sisters. The next day was our graduation. It went smoothly in the garden and then we attended a graduation party in the same garden later. The three girls were extremely sweet and immediately liked Blair and I, but they never spoke. They never spoke for the rest of my dream. Blair and I noticed the girls getting nervous and hiding behind us. When we looked to see what was scaring them, an old woman was standing a ways away wearing all black robes, staring at us. That night, we had fully gotten the girls set up to sleep. Sometime in the night, I heard noises. I went to the girls room and saw the same old woman was trying to take them. The girls were fighting back though. The only thing was, they were floating and glowing blue. They started shooting sparkling gold rays at the woman, and she eventually summoned a black cloud that she fell into, where she vanished. This is when I woke up. I’m hoping I get a sequel dream or something because that was as good as a movie and I need to know what happens next.