Date: 1/6/2019
By LucyElla
My friend Daisy was out with her family ice skating and asked if on the way back she could spend the night at mine but wasn't sure if there was enough space for her mum and dad, I was out with my dad and his girlfriend Elin. Daisy rang me and at first I thought she was outside my dad's house so I told them we needed to go back to the house but I can't rember where we were but then Daisy told me she was just about to go on the ice so I didnt need to rush home. Suddenly I was at Nat and Oils wedding (my mums girlfriends daughter) they did a help yourself meal so we all got what we wanted but there wasn't much there that I liked so I sat down at a round table and my mum, Sophie and a few people from Clare's family joined me but I got up just after starting my dinner and walked home because it was only a few minutes away I wanted to get my hand bag so I emptied out all the things I didn't need that was in the bag and put in what I might need during the wedding it got dark outside and someone knocked on the door so I turned my bedroom light off but knew if I turned the hall one off they would know I was there then they knocked again so I went to open the door and it was Sophie asking for directions but I didn't know where he was going so I closed the glass door and locked it as a ghost sort of figure came flying up to the door but I then shut the second door and locked it so I couldn't see her later I knew I had been there a while so had to walk back but couldn't remember what shoes I was wear so I decided to go to the door and see which par of shoes would of been quickly taken off as I came in and I saw my heals but as I was putting them on Sophie knocked on the door then forced themself in the house luckily it was my mum she gave me a hug and said we was worried I suddenly relised I probably missed the whole wedding but she told me it was just a practice so I didn't miss the real one. Then I was sitting on a park bench with Sophie and I was on Skype to Leon but these group of puppies walked passed and the call ended so I went to take a photo of the dogs then got a message from Leon and it was a photo of the dogs so I looked up and he was walking towards the park so I got up and gave him a hug