Boring Dream About Bunnies

Date: 9/23/2019

By itsliz

I had a dream where a wild rabbit somehow got into the house. She was scared and I decided to befriend her. I realized she had two little babies. They were running around and I let them be, but when the mom finally stopped by the basement, I decided to get down on the floor and wait there with her. She started to relax by lying down in front of me. There was a guy there who knew my mom, older, never seen him before, but he was there to "teach" me discipline or attempt to? He got on the floor with me and tried to wrestle me?? I think he just wanted to get on me. I kicked him off and he ended up leaving. I went to try to bond with mom rabbit again and this time, after lying on the floor for a few minutes, she came over!! She sniffed me and then licked my nose! I get up and get a tomato to give her and she began eating it. I caught her babies and had them feed on the tomato, too. I sat in the living room with the mom and she let me pet her and all. Skip to where I'm hanging out with my friend from work and we're in a very large and sorta empty locker room? The bottom part has locks on the left and right wall and in front of us is a very large set of stairs. At the top is the same as the bottom, large and open with lockers on the left and right wall, pale yellow walls and maroon tiled floors. Spacious! At the end to the left was a hallway leading to a pool and I door parking lot. I come into the locker room and call out for the bunny and she comes running! She even slips and slides! She seems to like it and starts running around specifically to slide so we hold our arms out and call her so she can run into my arms and my friend's arms. Another coworker comes and asks if I parked wrong like she told me not to. I told her she never asked me about parking and I didn't even park in the back. She takes us to the back (part of the way was flooded) and shows us some very LARGE physical cartoons frozen in place looking like a variety of angels. They block the way and I tell her I didn't even know this was a thing. "How do they fly them?" I ask. She shrugs and I add, "Must be killer trying to hold on." I go back and scoop up my bunny and head home. Time skip to where I'm home and opening a door that's like a little room where there are woodencages set up against the wall beside the door and the rabbits are sleeping. I'm showing them to SOMEONE and they ask who's who. "The top one is the mom. I let her out nearly all day. This bottom one is shared. The older son is frisky and goes potty everywhere so he doesn't leave this room much but his brother is very nice!" I explain. Then I wake up.