First Day of Junior Year

Date: 8/28/2017

By DragonZBW

I am on the bus riding to my first year of junior year at South County High School. I am sitting by myself and my friend Anthony is sitting with this mentally challenged kid. He is talking to this girl behind him who he obviously likes. Eventually the mentally challenged kid moves because Anthony asks him to politely and I get up to sit with Anthony. My friend Gabby gets up and takes my seat (even though she doesn't even ride my bus irl). However, Anthony also moves across the aisle to another seat so I wind up sitting alone again. We arrive at the school. There is some time before class, and I find my friend Ben. We have to go to our first classes, so we head there. Then it's time for lunch, and we sit together along with some other friends. After lunch, we walk through a gift shop(?) and into the school's main lobby area (this version of my school looks more like a big fancy hotel than a school). We look at a clock and realize we are missing class, so we start rushing to get to our next classes. Mine is really far away, so I try to take a shortcut by going through a maintenance area. A janitor sees me and goes with me and we have a nice conversation. However, the maintenance area comes out to a dead end, and I can't get out to the side or anything, so I go back where I came from and sit down in a comfy chair and start mindlessly watching some TV show. My dad shows up and I realize I should be trying to get to class, but then I can't find my schedule so I don't know where to go. At some point after that, the dream ends. Note: I had this dream on the night before my junior year of high school.