3 out of 4 dreams I've had of her.

Date: 9/8/2016

By prox221

Since a friend passed away, I've been having more dreams. I've had four in the last three or four months. 3 of them now being about her. This dream was different, and very strange. It didn't feel like I was in my own body, but viewing things from her, or maybe someone else's eyes. It was on a personal matter,something someone had said earlier today. I guess it made. Wonder about the things I didn't know about her. I'm not sure how to explain it, I remember things were said to me, me personally, as if she was trying to enlighten me on the subject. It was explained in a very peculiar way, but I know it wasn't something I would've thought of. So it makes me wonder sometimes, is she trying to tell me things?is she trying to be here for me when I'm down, or upset, or was it just me doing some wishful thinking? I guess one day I'll be able to ask.