
Date: 9/27/2020

By noisy28cat

I was in Italy with my dad visiting my uncle's brother (who doesn't live in Italy irl). We were on this little stone dock next to a village made entirely of stone, it almost looked like some ancient ruins. My uncle's brother, who I'll just call Tom bc I don't know his name, was bragging about the city a bunch and my dad was annoyed and I was taking pics of the buildings to post on instagram. (This part Tom was filming for TV and so it looked different bc it was through a video camera) All of a sudden Tom had this giant weirdly-shaped (almost like a big arrowhead) stone tablet with chains hanging off of it. On the front of it it said "Holy Bible". He started flipping the thin stone pages a bunch and then put it back how it was originally. I remember that the way he was flipping them made no sense. All this time he had been talking about this thing and how cool and rare it was and how exciting it would be to "find it". I soon found out that what he meant by that was he was going to drop it into the water under the dock we were on and then go down there and get it back. After he dropped it my dad was ticked off like "why did you do that idiot?" So they started working on how to get it out and I went inside some building. There were 3 teenagers in there at a table building something so I went over and sat at the end and watched. The one girl near me would draw a shape, they would make it out of these little metal tubes, and then finally attach it to this long green metal thing they were making. After a while the girl turned to me and said something like "we don't like to leave people out so I just want you to know that's not what we're doing and you're not being left out" (what???) and I just nodded. She also told me what they were building was a secret. I went back outside for a bit and saw my 8 year old sister riding a dragon. Meaning a boat, the bottom of which was just a long green metal dragon with do arms or legs. I went back inside and sat down again and told the girl "I know what y'all are building. >:) A dragon boat." I was right and she told me the bottom of it looked like a dragon to scare away sharks under the water. There was also some thing where Tom said he might cry when they found it (which would've been good for TV I guess?) but he didn't actually cry so my dad was annoyed. There was more, something about being in a minivan, and some other people doing stuff but I don't remember much if it.