Rissa, poke, punk festival,

Date: 9/26/2019

By pullypushy

Rissa and me go to a emo punk festival. Went to mosh. Guy grabs my ass. We have a fight. Justin timberland comes on main stage. Everyone leaves the stage we were at which is like screamo stufff. I carry rissa off in my arms lol. She’s at home we’re on FT. She adds Markelov. She tells me she’s going to a ball and she’s getting ready. She looks amaaaazing. She’s wearing a Disney princess dress that’s like modified to look good af. She told me she was going to the dance with another guy. I got upset because Charlotte did that twice and it made me super jealous. I met Rissa’s dad and he was scary. We make up and I come back to the ft and someone is hosting it? And there are 22k viewers. A bunchhhh of people join, lots of dicks and stuff and random people but I meet faze rain and poke. We talked. Poke and I played VR chat. We became really good friends he thought i was funny and it made me so happy. We talked about life and shit too after some RP. I laughed my ass off.