The metro to a weird looking Rimini

Date: 1/31/2024

By Alex_7298

I’m meeting Marco Barb at a crappy place in Paris. It’s a metro station, one of those in unprivileged areas. It’s dirty and people are disgusting. He tells me he’ll be at work and that I can take the metro and go visit someplace meanwhile. I walk up the stairs to the turnpikes. I want to buy a ticket, but there are no machines. The I realize people get in without tickets so I do the same. On the platform I wait for the next train, but something’s wrong: the previous train —or at least part of it, is stuck on the tracks. People get too many and the platform too crowded, so I encourage everyone to start walking instead of waiting for the train to be towed. And we all do walk past the stuck train and onto our destinations. I get to a different area. It’s sunny, warm, I’m somewhere close to Rimini, at the far south end. First I take my sweater off because I want my arms to tan and then I walk to the beach. Many people are there and it feels great. Children are playing together while I walk by. I set a few things down because they’re heavy. I’ll be back later to collect them. I wanna go all the way to the harbor, that’s my intention. But I don’t make it. At a certain time I decide to go back to recollect all my belongings that I’ve left here and there on the road. And I’m served dinner at a soup kitchen or charity’s. It’s some sort of puréed stuff plus some thin crusted pizza, but it’s all American!!