Date: 3/31/2017
By cbh1423
I was in an unfamiliar house. I knew that there were people who could inhabit someone's mind and take over their body. In order to do this, they would stab the person with a tiny knife. Someone took over mine that way, but I was too strong willed for them to be in control all the time. Somehow, a lot of bad spirits like this were unleashed. They jumped into dead bodies that were lying around in the backyard. I knew they were coming for me. I ran downstairs. One woman caught up to me. I grabbed a huge ice pick looking thing and stabbed her. I went into a room and locked that door then went into this closet thing that had a turn in it and hid behind the turn. There was a huge, really sharp sword lying in there. I picked it up. The bodies got in. They filed through the closet and I cut them right down the middle to kill them. There were a couple that weren't human bodies but human sized yellow soft tools like a hammer and scissors. They were easy to slice. I kept asking the guy inhabiting my head to take over but he wouldn't. Everyone I killed was laying in a heap in the closet. I had to climb over them to get out. The next part of my dream, I was getting married. I went to the graveyard where it was going to be. I told the people decorating that I wanted to move the service over to the side where there was a clear field facing a crypt. I wanted more flowers. They showed me a beautiful bouquet of the flowers they were going to use, it had bright white, off white, and peachy flowers in it. They were beautiful. Then I went to get dressed. My dress was white but had very sheer gold lace over the bottom. The top was like a corset but with sheer sleeves and neckline. I had dark blonde hair that I pushed over the front. I walked up to where dad and Bradley were standing and asked both of them to walk me down the aisle. I knew my groom wasn't there. I knew he was far away and wouldn't be attending the wedding. I walked up the aisle with dad and Bradley and they let me go. I stood alone at the front, looking at the crypt. Then I woke up.