The ruined house in Samoa

Date: 11/6/2016

By Norswil

I'm driving along a bumpy, coastal road in Samoa. Driving a convertable jeep, it's white. A big, orange sun shines over the water, it's a little humid. I turn into the road i'm looking for and drive up into the interior of the island. I stop, a plume of dust blows up from the wheels on the dusty road. There's a row of houses, maybe 4-5, a bit old and weathered like villages in the pacific islands. The lane of houses sits under a canopy of tall palm trees, shaded with streams of light breaking through. I walk to the first house and knock. I wait. I'm here to find something, some information, about my past? Maybe, my dream self knew but i have no idea. A little woman comes to the door. I don't remember any of the exchange or even if there was one. But she directed me down the lane, to the last house. I shake her hand and head down the lane. As i walk i see a little child come out of a house. He runs up and hugs my leg, looking up and laughing. More and more arrive, some from other houses or just the surrounding jungle. All tanned, wearing lava lava and bare chested. Soon there's maybe 10 children, running around, laughing, holding my hand, singing, i laugh and pat heads as i walk. I remember one child licks my elbow, i wasn't too keen on that, his tongue was massive. I reach the end house. The children run off, laughing and chasing each other. The little house was in ruin but familiar to me, 'i've been here before' i thought. The roof had fallen in and as i enter i see brick and broken lengths of wood scattered everywhere. Even without most of its roof it was dark, trees covering above me. I start moving bricks, i'm looking for something. I search until i eventually find it, a note. I now become emotional, crying, i fall to my knees. In the dream i never see what was written on the paper. No idea what the message said, but i break down. I feel death and family were involved. I leave the house and continue up the lane. It ends at a beautiful lookout, a cliff overlooking the ocean. The sun sets, orange lights twinkling on the rippling water. I watch until it sinks below the horizon.