Howzat 2 (This Time It's Personal)

Date: 3/30/2020

By Machman

Another dream about cricket! I am not even a big cricket fan as I am Scottish and very few people up here like cricket. I do quite like it but I'm a football (soccer to the Yanks) fan. Anyway I am watching a cricket match on a very unusual pitch. I am under like this sort of canopy next to what looks like a park area. It's not very structured at all. The wicket is made up of these plastic or polystyrene tiles which break apart when stood on or when the ball lands on them. The same tiles are scattered around the seating area from where I am watching the match. It is not apparent yet who is playing. I stand up and start complaining in an incredulous fashion about the match being played on such a shoddy surface. I break a few tiles to show how shoddy they are. Nobody seems to take notice. I walk down an embankment behind the seating area and the place is massively crowded. People are everywhere. It reminds me of a seaside town in Spain but I have no idea where this place actually is. There is some commotion from above and I run back up the embankment to see what is going on. I then realise that England are playing Pakistan. Pakistan are batting and what seems to have happened is that England are having problems getting the ball back. So the two batsmen shout to each other to go. They run as fast as they can to score another run. The batsman nearest me then seems to hesitate. He is standing by his wicket whilst the other guy is running towards him. He then starts to run. A noise of anticipation comes from the crowd "ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh" as the guy running towards my side bolts for the wicket. Then, from out of nowhere, the ball appears and takes him out. It was a perfectly thrown ball from the other end of the pitch. Not only that the fielder has taken out the stumps that were further away from him. The crowd goes crazy. It was the throw of the century. People are running about going mental. I turn to my left and (famous ex England cricketer) Darren Gough is standing next to me. I am not sure if any words are exchanged between us but we are both amazed at what we have just witnessed.