Date: 8/7/2018
By nexus
im speaking to my father, my sister says she wishes that she was older so she didnt have to listen to anybody but my father says she'll turn into me and then brings up how i will change when im around 86...i explain to him i dont believe ill live to 86 and i dont think i would want to anyways unless they figure out how to stop the ageing process by that time, my dad tells me about how he took me to this mentor some higher power of some kind and as he's telling me this i am reliving the whole thing when before it was a distant memory...the higher power resembled something like a priest or takes me and tells my parents my energy will live on forever and that i will have this unyielding effect on the Universe as that happens i feel this euphoric sensation which made me wake up with tears in my eyes and i started weeping a little bit. I go back to living two realities at the same time, one is with my sister and some other children in this house with my father again and the other is close to whats happening physically...both places effect me simultaneously as i sense this dark figure i knew was the demon from my childhood, she was the last thing i needed to confront to move on to the next phase, she appears in both realities and in both i am sleeping then sense her, before she can bother me i spring up out of body like an action movie character and confront her in both realities though most of my consciousness starts tilting towards the reality with my sisters...i get thrown to the ground, in this stairway as the demon comes closer i start to feel cosnciousness switches back to the one that was closer to the physical and i noticed my body is in sleep paralysis. The demon gets closer and i start to fall into a trance like state, not because of the demon but because it was what i needed to muster up the ability to face her head on...i then get up and sort of merge consciousness with her and her silhouette of hate and fear imploded into me getting sucked into the universe and eventually becoming it, i see the whole universe and i get towards the edge of it, wear its expanding but before this i see the earth as this speck that i held within my two fingers like a coin as everything got smaller around me or i got bigger, the earth was gone and now i was holding the galaxy in my hand something the size of a basketball and then things got smaller and smaller til i filled up the universe and i ran out of space, i saw the universe as this glass globe and inside it was...everything, what was on the outside was nothing but this white abyss that went in infinetly though it was slowly getting eaten up by the expanding this point im just along for the ride taking all this info in and i blackout.