Rapid Apocalyptic Global Warming

Date: 10/27/2020

By meeshell

The surface of the Earth was heating up at an extremely fast rate (a few degrees per minute or something crazy like that), and this was causing all sorts of disastrous things to happen. I was on an upper level of a building with someone, and he was looking out on the land around us to figure out where we could go for safety. He didn't see a good place to go from there, but we knew that we had to go searching for somewhere safe, like in a deep underground cave. I had some of my things in a backpack but accidentally picked up someone else's and left mine behind. I think theirs was a beige shoulder bag that had the shape of a laptop carrying case. I wished I had my own things, but we had already begun traveling and there was no time to waste. During our journey to safety, we sometimes ended up in buildings that would get torn apart by the earth beneath them shifting dramatically upwards in some sections and downward in others, due to the rapid temperature increase. When this happened, we had to rush out of the building. Despite the chaos and danger of the situation, I somehow felt calm and didn't have thoughts of dying cross my mind. I think I knew that we would find a safe place. At some point, I found one of my cats in a cooler, and I thought maybe he was trying to keep himself cool. I thought about carrying him in the cooler in one hand and then carrying my things in a backpack (somehow my things appeared but in multiple bags and I had to decide which one to bring). My cat's eyes looked like crossed googley eyes, and I wondered if it was because of the heat. It broke my heart to think about him suffering, and I wanted to protect him. I thought that he would die if I left him behind or if I took him with me, so I didn't know what to do. (For some reason the heat factor was irrelevant in this part, but I thought he would die if left alone.) I decided to carry both him and my other cat in the cooler on our journey to safety. I packed cat treats and tiny dishes for them, even though I knew food for them would run out.