
Date: 11/18/2017

By heyitsfrannie

It’s about my ex. It started out with my school having movie, but it wasn’t really my school. It was people from high mixed people i know from College. We started watching some movie and then all my girlfriends were ready to leave. So we left and for some reason the school used empty coca-cola cans as ornaments. We got to our dorm rooms and i believe my ex text me and asked if i wanted to go eat Waffle House. I never object Waffle House so i said yes. We got there and we were eating and his family walked in. His sister, who i know, came and sat next to him and were all talking. He got up and came and sat next to me, so someone could sit next to his sister. His aunt for something came and asked if we were dating. I said no, but, for some reason, i touched his leg and said maybe one day. So we ate and talked. We talked and ate for a while, almost tell the sun cane up. That was until his other family members came in. His uncle that looked like Idris Elba and his aunt that looked like another famous lady, but i can’t remover her name. They saw us sitting,talking and they decided to give a less on black females dating white boys. At first i was pissed as they were talking, but eventually i decided to just let them talk. I needed to be as respectful as possible. They told me that they know i don’t love myself and how i would be better with a black man. (p.s. the guy is white.) I was pissed! But i stayed respectful. Now i want to say they had my ex on hush mode. He would try to say something and they would immediately shut him down. So eventually i gave in to their. I told them, “that’s fine i don’t have date [insert his name]. If you don’t want me”. I was pissed and ready to go! I had never felt to discussed in my life. Then his aunt got up because she saw someone she knew. She told them, “I’m not busy, but let me tell you the conversation i just had”. Again i was pissed, but i breathed it out. They husband tried to tell me something i just put my hand in his face. [insert name here] and I were sitting watching them and just as he was about to say alarm went off. The end.