
Date: 11/16/2017

By xoe

i am hallucinating as i type this. this phone feels, and looks like my wife’s 7 plus, which is much bigger than my 6s. dream reuniting Alvin and the Chipmunks. Alvin was orphaned and away from the others. Dax Shepard as Dad. we think we found him, and are going to try to reunite them. But it is a surprise. And we dont actually have him yet. But we do a big “What not to Wear” style ambush at this mall. It starts out great, only thing is we have to wait and we cant tell anyone what it is. So we are hyping as the greatest thing ever and he is going to be so surprised. etc. but we are waiting a very very long time outside the mall, Kesha pulls up and asks from her car what we (all teenage girls) think of the latest Britney rumor. A lot of catty remarks from the girls, and Kesha is very disappointed. She is walking around asking individuals, if you could have anything at all to make the world a better place, what would you wish for? Lots of selfish answers. Kesha desperately asking everyone. Finally it turns out Michelle Obama is there to grant the wish. The best they could come up with is a small bar of chocolate will be gifted them each night if they brush their teeth. it will just magically appear. crowd goes wild. Kesha and I are sad. Still waiting for Alvin and hyping. Have to go somewhere in a car. I am not druving, Dax is. I keep almost spilling the beans. We are driving higher and higher. Past tiny little half trailer villages, all tightly packed together. But they are dorms. Smaller and smaller all the same dorms. A group looks like alarm clocks. Another looks like Bbq grills crossed with tanks. I say, “Everything in the world is getting worse. “ and we round a corner. The road is getting more like dirt and narrower. We are slowly switchbacking up a mountain. We round the corner as cars are slowly backing up and turning around. We press on. The road is very narrow and crumbling. We round a tight bend and suddenly have to pick between 2 roads. Dax picks the higher one, but we have to jump. We dont make it and fall back onto a previously hidden third road. We are all so grateful that we didnt fall all the way down. I have one foot out the right side. The road starts crumbling and the car is tilting. I scream for them to all lean the other way, or the car will break my foot. Dax says it is going to break my neck. He does some maneuver and we end up falling into water. Dax or another man broke his wrist. We are all so grayeful to be akive. I try to help him swim back to shore, but the water is shallow. we can walk. on shore. the nurses arent allowed to see new injuries. they can only see what is in the chart. nurse wearing yellow laughing about it congenially because she knows it is ridiculous. we continue walking with all the other people toward the destination. Alvin still hasnt arrived.