Weddings and break ups

Date: 9/10/2019

By bluevenus

So this is a long one and it needs context. So I'm friends with this couple, let's call them A and B, and I've always been really good friends with both of them. A and B have a really good relationship and I love seeing them together however there was an incident where A and I were working on a short film without B and one night when we were hanging out with a third friend we ended up having a deep heart to heart about family and I admitted to my previous struggles with depression and suicide and he has gone through similar struggles with his family. He also opened up saying that he was pretty sure he was bi and not to tell B. Furthermore at the end of the night the three of us made a pact to live together after high school, including B. HOWEVER the next day when I was talking to the both of them I jokingly brought up the living situation. A had not told B. And whilst A seemed super into it when it came to B he was less certain. Getting to the dream. I dreamt that they got married and afterwards A was working on a short film concept and B was arguing about something she didnt like. So I tried to go sort this thing out. When I got back B was gone and A was playing a video game so like any friend I sat down and started chatting. Except B was a character in the game and she kept trying to reach through the game to attack me. A ended up resetting the game and B was gone. This has made me want to go back to practising witchcraft. I dont know if this says more about them or me but I've started collecting items for a cleansing and love spell. WHAT DOES IT MEAN. WHAT AM I TRYING TO TELL ME.